Tuesday, May 5, 2009


it is 12.19am, 6 mei 2009... it's my birthday today... i turn 27 today.. syukur alhamdulillah, i'm a year older now... semoga Allah memanjangkan umur saya, so that i can live to see my children grow up, to love ayang more and more each day, to take care of my parents and of course to serve my beloved students.. hihi..
i love to live with the facts that i'm celebrating my birthday as a wife to the most dearie person in my life and as a mother-to be too...
ayang brought me to a nice dinner just now...
mak and abah also just called... wishing me my birthday...
ayep also called...i'm glad they still remember my birthday... and maybe that's because i never forgot theirs as well..
we'll spend this weekend at mahathir's house, to celebrate my birthday, addin and nana's birthday, mother's day and also sis and abang haridan's anniversary..
we'll be having so much fun and laughter this weekend...


Biszign said...

ko dah 27 da? maknenye kite sebaya laa until 14th july =p hohohooo,

Semuga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki amiiin~

take care kezen , kem salam "ayang" hahahahah ..

aku nak panggil alex ayang gak laa huhuuhhu

muhazu said...

happy birthday maz!!! kang kalau jumpa kat kampung boleh la laga perut hehehe


MaZLiNa @ TitiT said...

ala zizi, camne ni.. perut i tak besar lagi... camne nak laga2 perut, ahaks.. ramai org ckp sebab first pregnancy, tu yang tak besar sangat..