Monday, April 27, 2009

it's a boy...

the baby that i'm pregnant with is a boy.. and this was confirmed last saturday by our doctor. we saw the tiny and little penis pointed out by the doctor during the scan.. i'm so happy, happy and happy... it's my wish come true.. so ayang, takleh lah nak manje2 kan baby sangat sebab baby boy tak bole manje2, kena strong, kan abah?? hehe..

we bought this one car seat last week, it costs us RM307.. wargh, tensionnya sebab macam kena tipu dengan amoi salesgirl tu.. macam kena pukau masa beli that car seat sebab amoi tu cakap RM207, tapi bila bayar kat kaunter, RM307.. tapi kitorang bayar je tanpa banyak soal.. hahaha,

lepas tu kan, we all punye famous amos siap tertinggal kat mane2 ntah! sedih mommy nak makan tak dapat, tapi hari sabtu tu sebelum pegi party adela, ayang singgah beli kat ikano.. sayang ayang sebab dia tgk mommy nangis2 teringin nak makan biskut famous amos! ntah ape2 la..

Friday, April 10, 2009

weheee... finish up this semester!

I’m relieved that I finished my entire syllabus today. I will do an extra class for revision for my Insurance Law and Law of Association tomorrow and next tuesday. Next week will be a more relaxing week for me except that i have to live with the fact that I need to mark several students’ assessment. I want to get enough rest next week so that when the exam starts, I can have full attention to finish up my writing on this one article. Hopefully, I can publish the article before I give birth to my child. InsyaAllah.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

tired of everything...

i'm not feeling well lately.. buat kerja sikit pun dah penat, ayang said maybe it's one of the symptoms of pregnancy.. but my strenght has changed.. the strong part of me has dissapeared.. yesterday, i called sis and she said that i tercungap2 cakap dengan dia... and when i was about to mark the rest of the opinion writing scripts, jantung macam berdebar2 and macam sesak nafas. makan pun macam takde selera, semua benda makan tak habis.. tidur pun macam tak nyenyak..

rumah tu tak payah nak cakap lah macam mana.. bersepah tak ingat nye.. baju pun dah 3 bakul tak berlipat.. dapur pun dah almost 2 weeks tak bermop and tak berasap... i'm too tired to cook and do any house work.. ya allah, tolonglah kurangkan dugaan ini..

please help me, i want the strong me, who can stay at the office and finish up work... there are too many student assessment that need my utmost attention.. i'll be going back to batu pahat this evening, i'm actually afraid to travel because the last time when we went back to malacca i suffered from bleeding.. hope this time around it will be fine...

i'm hoping that things get to normal back because i'm so missing my old me...