Monday, April 27, 2009

it's a boy...

the baby that i'm pregnant with is a boy.. and this was confirmed last saturday by our doctor. we saw the tiny and little penis pointed out by the doctor during the scan.. i'm so happy, happy and happy... it's my wish come true.. so ayang, takleh lah nak manje2 kan baby sangat sebab baby boy tak bole manje2, kena strong, kan abah?? hehe..

we bought this one car seat last week, it costs us RM307.. wargh, tensionnya sebab macam kena tipu dengan amoi salesgirl tu.. macam kena pukau masa beli that car seat sebab amoi tu cakap RM207, tapi bila bayar kat kaunter, RM307.. tapi kitorang bayar je tanpa banyak soal.. hahaha,

lepas tu kan, we all punye famous amos siap tertinggal kat mane2 ntah! sedih mommy nak makan tak dapat, tapi hari sabtu tu sebelum pegi party adela, ayang singgah beli kat ikano.. sayang ayang sebab dia tgk mommy nangis2 teringin nak makan biskut famous amos! ntah ape2 la..


Biszign said...

waaa, name Faizal ade lah name yang paling sedap utk diletak kat baby boy ko tu heheheheh =).. congrats kezen =)

MaZLiNa @ TitiT said...

tak nak la letak nama faizal.. kang nanti tersangkut org perak jauh aku nak pi meminang! hahaha

umar said...

laki mana tak sayang bini oii...

Izmil said...

"we saw the tiny and little penis pointed out by the doctor during the scan.. i'm so happy, happy and happy... "

ye.. saye juga tumpang teruja.

letak nama izmil.. sumpah comel!

Biszign said...

hahahaha, siol je!