Thursday, April 2, 2009

tired of everything...

i'm not feeling well lately.. buat kerja sikit pun dah penat, ayang said maybe it's one of the symptoms of pregnancy.. but my strenght has changed.. the strong part of me has dissapeared.. yesterday, i called sis and she said that i tercungap2 cakap dengan dia... and when i was about to mark the rest of the opinion writing scripts, jantung macam berdebar2 and macam sesak nafas. makan pun macam takde selera, semua benda makan tak habis.. tidur pun macam tak nyenyak..

rumah tu tak payah nak cakap lah macam mana.. bersepah tak ingat nye.. baju pun dah 3 bakul tak berlipat.. dapur pun dah almost 2 weeks tak bermop and tak berasap... i'm too tired to cook and do any house work.. ya allah, tolonglah kurangkan dugaan ini..

please help me, i want the strong me, who can stay at the office and finish up work... there are too many student assessment that need my utmost attention.. i'll be going back to batu pahat this evening, i'm actually afraid to travel because the last time when we went back to malacca i suffered from bleeding.. hope this time around it will be fine...

i'm hoping that things get to normal back because i'm so missing my old me...


ellyWong said...

maz dearieeeeeeee...

hang in there. you can. ni mmg kena blame the unbalance hormone ni.

calling home mmg the best remedy to make feel better. reading the quran is another. it proven useful masa amy ngandung kan insyirah. n last but not least, make yourself busy and yes the exercise. ;)

take care maz..

MaZLiNa @ TitiT said...

thanks a lot amy.. appreciate it very much, i really have to blame the hormone because i'm rarely feel tired.. sekarang ni pun mmg tgh banyakkan bersabar and baca quran je, kadang2 tu selalu selawat sambil usap2 perut so that my baby tak meragam..

muhazu said... have to understand that you now tgh bawak it's natures way to ask you to get optimum rest..sebab tu u rasa macam penat sentiasa. jangan kata you, me pun selalu macam tu. Lately pun selalu sangat rasa jantung berdebar. But it's actually your heart working doubly hard to pump more blood to the womb.

whatever you are feeling, i'm feeling it too right now :) it's normal to feel macam ni, as if your old self dah ntah kemana, and it's being replaced by a different you. Don't resent the fact, embrace it. I just ingat satu perkara je - whatever I do, whatever discomforts I feel, Tuhan balas beribu kali ganda. Itu je.

Sabar ok? :)

umar said...

your beloved and handsome hubby will look after you. don't be khuatir.

IffaRazak said...

Chayok2 Kak Maz. Iffa harap Kak Maz stay strong, nanti dapat baby comel :D