Thursday, September 11, 2008

interview lagik...

i will have two interviews next week, one on monday and one on tuesday... apelah dah lantik jadik pensyarah pun nak kena ade interview2 ni... the thing i hate the most is that i have to cancel my class that morning, sekarang ni nak buat replacement class susah sangat, tambah2 puasa... student semua guna alasan nak sembahyang tarawih if i want to do the class at night.

anyway, the first interview which is on monday is the mock teaching interview, where i have to teach in front of several other lecturers who will pretend to be my students. and of course after that they will ask me several questions on the topic i present.

the second interview is going to be a bit tough where i'm going to be judged by uitm's officer from bahagian perjawatan who will determine whether i'm qualified to be a lecturer here or not.. they will ask about current issues and my opinion on that. i think they will surely raise the issue of whether uitm should be open to non-bumi and non-malay... huish, still searching for the right answer...

mahathir (my brother) told me that the two interviews are just for formality... they will surely take me as the lecturer because they have invested so much money when i did my master's degree at australia. i hope what mahathir told me is true, and i do not have to worry so much on this interviews thing... wish me luck for the interviews peeps....

this evening i have buka puasa date with kak ejay and ija at secret recipe at sogo... its been a long time since i last saw kak ejay and miss her so much... at least i met ija last month... susah betul nak jumpe dengan penolong pengarah insolvensi ni... ok peeps, it's almost 3p.m and i have to go to this ceramah by an ustaz from pusat islam... time to sleep..... hikhikhik... so naughty eh mazlina... till then.... xoxo


ellyWong said...

hehe.. beselaa.. for formality.. :)

so maz, amacam preparation for the big day? sure tgh busy kannnnn.. :D

MaZLiNa @ TitiT said...

hehe... amy, memang tgh busy sangat2 ni... weekend jek busy beli2 barang untuk kawin ni... penat sangat kadang2... lagi2 tgh puasa ni, mane nak buat persiapan raya lagi.. mcm takde masa nak rest pulak...