Saturday, June 7, 2008

STUPID *** ***

hi peeps... uish, rase dah lama benar tak update blog ni... june ni belum update lagi blog. i was so busy lately doing my take home exam, monday ni lagi satu take home exam, then my research paper plak.. xpe2 mazlina... sikit lagi nk habis pastu leh enjoy...

enjoy?? yeah sebelum balik malaysia boleh lah enjoy. pg new zealand, sydney, melboune and gold coast, then convocation (insyaAllah)... but then bile dah balik malaysia mesti tak enjoy... what? tak enjoy jumpe family and orang tersayang?? no... that's not what i mean. memang rindu dengan family and orang2 tersayang kat malaysia, but mengenangkan malaysia mcm huru hara dengan pemerintahan pak lah, rase macam baik stay kat australia je. dahlah harga minyak naik mendadak, saya baru nak start keja... aduis... mesti kering poket isi minyak jek... baru berangan nak beli honda civic tu... mcm kena kuburkan jek angan2 tu... rase mcm nak tukar pakai kelisa balik jek... ayep, bak balik keta kelisa aku...

i really miss tun M's time. even though ramai yang tak suka die but obviously he's better than pak lah and his son in law, the so called KJ... ade yang lepas ni support pembangkang plak ni... drpd seorang yang support UMNO and BN, it is possible if i become the core and fanatic supporter of opposition just because the current PM of Malaysia is so damn ...

dah lah stop pasal this nonsense things going on in malaysia... i was about to update my experience last friday (30th may) - went to watch broncos' game... but after reading tun mahathir's blog, i'm now afraid to go back to malaysia. yeah, if we compare price of oil between malaysia and australia, memang malaysia lagi murah. but australia is not an oil producing company and further, their income per capita is high... imagine, saye yang keja sebagai awek cleaner ni pun leh earn almost aud 300 p.w and that is almost rm900++ per week... one month would be rm 2700... tu baru keja cleaner... belum jadik lawyer kat sini... mau gaji kat 20 - 30 k sebulan...

hish, rase mcm nak terus sambung PhD je terus.. tp xde duit.. ape nak buat, dah makan duit rakyat, so kenalah serve rakyat... so, kenalah balik dan mengajar anak2 bangsa. but saye akan mengajar anak bangsa supaya pemimpin akan datang tidak akan sedungu and sekejam pak lah... hope malaysia will go back as glorious as before... before pak lah became our PM....!! to ayang, i'm now declaring that i am free party citizen... x support mane2 pun...

never mind... esok lah i update gambar2 broncos game and australia zoo's visit... even though mcm dah lambat... now nak start doing my research... and i'm going to compare governance of state-owned enterprises in malaysia and new zealand. and ni termasuklah governance of petronas, which belong to the government. no doubt that petronas make profits but where do the profits go..? dare to guess..??? hahaha... till then... hehe, post ni tak sesuai untuk xoxo... esok2 lah kite xoxo ek..??


MaZLiNa @ TitiT said...

ok ayang, saya dah ikut nasihat awak untuk tuka ape yang patut... rasenye ok sikit kot dari post before ni... hehehe, maklumlah orang gomen, tak leh express banyak2 plak... no freedom of expression langsung lah kat malaysia ni, so BORING...!! nanti kena ISA lah plak kan...

umar said...

masih berbisa tu yang..bahaya kalau dibaca oleh 'orang' yang tidak diingini....edit sikit je lagi.

apa pun, saya sayang pak lah dan juga shahrir samad.