Sunday, June 15, 2008


one research more mazlina... come on... chaiyo!chaiyo! aja2 fighting!!! hahaha, sape yang tak tgk full house mesti tak tau ape aja2 fighting tu... hikhik... i will submit my resarch paper this friday, but trying to finish the research by wednesday because thursday ade BBQ party at umah nisa and aini... eiii, x sabarnye... pastu friday i'll fly to NEW ZEALAND... NZ, wait for me!!!

eiii, tak sabarnye nak main2 snow... pastu amik2 gambar kat christchurch yang amatlah cantik scenery die, kalau ade mase, nak pegi tempat dorang shooting LOTR tu, mesti gile cantik.... i'm actually counting the day for 20th june because dah habis semua assessment for this semester... opss, ape plak this semester, for the whole LLM ni.. insyaAllah, i will be graduating on 18july, depends on my result.. harap2 semua ok and takde sangkut2 paper.. gabra jugak because result keluar 3rd july masa tu kat sydney... ya allah, perkenankanlah doa hambaMu ini, berikanlah aku keputusan yang cemerlang dalam pelajaranku AMIN...

really hope everything will go as i plan it to be. abah and emak will arrive at sydney's airport and i will meet them early in the morning at sydney airport.. then 3rd july result keluar, kalau lepas semua alhamdulillah sangat2 and boleh bercuti with abah and emak dengan hati yang lapang.

semalam saya tengok 'a moment to remeber,' nangis2 sampai bengkak2 mata... sangat sedih cite tu... macam mane lah orang nak hidup without memory.. memories are something so precious that someone will not ever trade for whatever... haha, unless dalam cite paycheck tu, leh lak die sanggup erase memory die... then pas jek tengok a moment to remember tu, time2 nak tido tibe2 saya terfikir yang hari khamis ni will be the last day for me to see several people which are my good friend here in brisbane, they are aini, nisa and ina... yang lain tu insyaAllah balik dr melbourne ade masa lagi nak jumpe dorang...

couldn't wait to go back to malaysia.. but really sad sebab nak tinggalkan kawan2 kat sini terutama aini and nisa... they are the closest friend lately... 22 june dorang nak balik malaysia untuk bercuti2 malaysia... and that means this thursday i will be seeing them for the last time until july 2009... uish, lame tu, mesti rindu gile nak xoxo ngan dorang... to aini and nisa, i will miss the time we spent together especially pegi australia zoo tu.. then lunch sama2 masak mee goreng, buat popiah and kek tu... then makan2 kat curry connection, xoxo ngan nabil skali... hahaha, really2 gonna miss that yaar (yaar in hindi best friend).... walaupun baru sekejap jek kenal korang perasaan nak berpisah nanti hari khamis ni mesti syahdu yang amat2.... hish, nanti kite spent time betul2 khamis ni walaupun ramai orang akan datang... pedulik hape, biar dorang layan diri dorang sendiri... hikhikhik..... sangat kejam saye ni..

and for several people below... love u all...

1. to H yang dah 2 weeks sy x jumpe ni, argh, maybe thursday ni pun last kite akan spent time together2, nanti maz balik dr melbourne, abah ngan mak ade, so, xleh lah nk spent time together2...

2. same goes to itot... pasni itot keja sorang2 ek... mesti rindu nak buat coffee and makan timtam together2 mase buat keja.... pastu rindu nak lepak2 krispy kreme together2 sambil memandang sume orang yang lalu kat luar krispy kreme tu... hehehe

3. to miss L and shu, thank you for being such a good friend, will miss u a lot too...

4. to jem, walaupun maz tak rapat sangat ngan jem, u r my favourite friend too, maybe kite akan spent time 10 precious day kat NZ ok.. nanti kite amik gambar sama2 banyak2 kat NZ.

5. to azaziah (who is right now sampling at india), really gonna miss the time mase kite jadik housemate tu... masak rendang and pasta untuk hari raya sampai pkl 4 pagi... then tgk movie sama2 kat hall umah alexandria court sambil ber YM2... argh... nak meleleh dah air mata ni...

6. to ina, nabil and little S.. yeah, again walaupun kite taklah rapat sangat because masing2 bz, but i will remember u all... to nabil, NZ is waiting for us...

7. to amy and family.. walaupun maz baru jek rapat2 ngan family amy this semester, really have to admit that amy memang baik sangat, lembut sangat2, amy marah pun tak mcm marah.. jeles kat amy sebab amy ade insyirah yang leh buat muke comel kalau amy tension2... argh cepatlah kawin and nak dapat baby ni...

8. to latape and hezmee, yeah maz pun baru baik ngan korang sem ni... cepat jek mase berlalu. latape, thanks for ice skating moment; will not forget your aksi peluk mamat kat ice ring tu... to hezmee, thanks for the broncos moment... really had fun and enjoy the night...

9. to emma, hilmi and mel... will not forget u all too... especially mase kite spent time same2 kat harbour town, surfer's, then pegi ice skating, makan2 kt underwood then tgk game broncos... hehehe... byk gak 'a moment to remember' kite ek...

10. to kak faza and kak yan, thanks lah sebab berjaya jadi sis yang best kat sini.. all ur food sume sedap2... kak faza: teringat masa kite habiskan duit membeli2 perfume kat indooroopilly; then habiskan duit beli pinggan mangkuk plak... aduis... thanks sis, love u and will miss u so much, pasni maz tak rase lah kuih buah melaka aka onde2 kak faza buat, tak sempat nak belajar buat pun...

10. and lastly to aini and nia... thanks for being my housemate, aini: thanks lah sebab selalu jugak masak2 kan maz lauk yang sedap... to miss N; thanks sebab selalu teman saya makan... boring woo kalau makan sorang.... kite akan spent time together2 masa kat NZ nanti yek..

malaysia.... will see u on 21st july.......................


itot said...

huhuuh sedih...kejap je rasa kan, dah nak kene pisah. takpelah kan..yg penting pas ni kita harus berkeep-keep in touch ya ;)

MaZLiNa @ TitiT said...

yeah itot... bukan harus, wajib...

Nadia J said...

adeh penat tunggu mana nama saya. kat bawah sekali rupanyer.. hehehe but anyways. tima kasih kat awak jugak kerana selalu masak dan ajak saya makan. saya adalah sgt malas memasak. thanx for putting up with me. i know i can be difficult and damn secretive sometimes. thanx for accepting my every good and bad. good luck for the research paper. u can do it! aja aja fighting!!

Unknown said...

maz...speechless..huhuhu...sedih gak...kami takde kawan sem dpn...huarghhhhhhhh...mlm raya aini da ckp siap2 dia nk melalak dlm bilik...nisa kene msak sorang2...apa punye kawan lah kan...hahahks...maz paper pon thanks for being such a gud listener, problem solver and etc...i luv u...muahhhhh- nisa

MaZLiNa @ TitiT said...

to N... saye memang sengaja letak awak kat bawah sebab akan jumpe awak kat malaysia insyaAllah, and kite naik flight same2 hikhik... nanti akan ade post yang special untuk awak jek... hehehe, sbb awk lah yang paling rapat dengan saye sem ni....

to anisah: hehehe, bersedia lah ek untuk menempuh kesedihan di malam hari raya... takpe2, paksa jek si rain tu masak same2, mane aci nangis sorang2.. nanti maz kirim kuih raye utk korang elalui miss H... hehe

ellyWong said...

yes yes maz.. itu laa kan. sekejap jer dpt rapat. takper2.. insyaAllah kite sambung friendship ni sampai balik mesia pun ek? ;)

p/s: kejap jer lagi.. kejap jer lagi nak dapat baby.. ;) huhuhu