Saturday, August 23, 2008


hi peeps... today i woke up at 12.30p.m... but i slept at 4 am yesterday... really, i miss my subuh prayer today... hish, ape nak jadik dengan mazlina ni...!!

i did a good thing today which is i kemas mahathir's house... sebenarnye mak yang suruh sebab mak kata nanti kak jun penat balik dari alor setar tgk rumah bersepah pulak... mak cume suruh sapu2 jek, but terlebih rajin, i washed addin and adriana's cloth, lipat baju yang bersih, and iron kan baju sekolah dorang... hehehe, baguslah aunty maz ni... erkkk.. aunty maz ke kak titit....??

never mind, then i went to fetch them at puduraya. hari ni jalan sangat jem... it took me 1 hour 45 mins to puduraya from bandar sri permaisuri, which suppose to be just 20 minutes drive. hish, bile lah jem kat kl ni nak reda..? rasenye kalau parti pembangkang memerintah sekali pun takkan dapat meredakan jem kat kl ni... kalau boleh jamin jem kat kl ni reda, saye rela pangkah dorang... opps mazlina, watch ur language...!!

opps, actually the thing is i want to tell u guys about the recent movie i watch at midvalley just now.. it's the cheeky wall-e... hehehe, serious cheeky gile.. i salute the idea of having a cartoon without a dialogue.. (even though there are dialogues that involved the captain of the space ship). seriously, i can feel the robot's feeling even though there are no dialogue and in reality robots do not have feelings...

the director managed to pleased the audience by the robots expression, we can feel that the wall-e do have human's feeling such as love, kindness, helpful etc.. but i seriously don't want the earth to be as in the movie... from now on please recycle ur waste, i don't want the earth to be a place for garbages and not human or other living things.

i should buy the cd and ask addin and adriana to watch... i bet they can understand the movie. erk.. ke nak mintak kat yaser jek... camne nak mintak? yaser kat brisbane, nak suruh die send file pun, file movie besar sangat... hish, ni yang rindu kat brisbane sebab boleh download movie sesuka hati jek... yase, help me!! jap2, kat malaysia kan banyak pirated cd... baru lima ringgit, plus i'm not a fan of copyright law and never will (except when i have written a book and will get angry if my student photocopy it).

anyway, last friday one of my student text me and want to confirm me about their class' presentation. i replied that the presentation is fixed on the 27th. then, he or she replied that he or she will have mooting stuff to do, then i replied "that's not my problem". oh, please advice me, is that the right thing to do... i know i should support the faculty's extra curicullar activities but at the same time i do not want my student to skip classes and miss the presentation... my personal opinion is that no matter what, class comes first... please help me...

u know u love me... xoxo...


umar said...

u did the right thing by asking the utmost consideration to be given for your class.nevertheless, the student concerned should not take advantage to use mooting as a 'cogent reason' to skip classes whatsoever. however, there is a time for you to use the discretionary at certain circumstances.

chibimoruku said...
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