Wednesday, August 20, 2008

THE MUMMY: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

yeah... at last i have a chance to watch the mummy yesterday with ayang at tgv sunway pyramid... it was a last minute plan. i asked ayang whether he can make it yesterday and i was so glad that he did make it....

we watched the movie at 6.30p.m... the movie was fantastic i would say, but the heroin is not the same from the last sequal; maybe because they have to change the role. this time around, it is after 15 or 20 years from the last sequal. their son have grown up... but glad other role were played by the same actors... the story is about a mummy in China, he was a great but mean emperor, he killed his own general just because the general slept with the woman he has interest with (michelle yeoh). Then after some time, there is this one group who want the emperor to rule China again, make an effort to wake the emperor up for an eternal life and their effort comes into reality... but lastly, the O'Conner's family managed to kill the emperor with the help of michelle yeoh (who have been guarded the eternal pool with her daughter for almost 2000 years)... to whoever who have not watch the movie, please do so... actually the reason why i really want to watch the movie is because of the hero, brendan fraser... hehe, like the hairstyle so much!!! but really, it was worth watching...

after we watched the movie, we had our dinner at secret recipe where i had my lasagne and ayang had his chicken cordon bleu... we also had our chocolate walnut brownie.. hehe, ayat ini adalah untuk menjeleskan mereka2 yang berada di brisbane... hehehehe, xpe2 korang balik nanti, makan puas2 ok...

ok peeps, have to go back, it's 6.30pm already, and horror gak tinggal sorang2 kat fac ni... hihi!!
till then, u know u love me....

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