Tuesday, May 6, 2008

i've been tagged!!!

Name Tag : Mazlina Mahali
Tagged by: Nadia Jalaludin (Miss N)

The Rules :

1. Each blogger must post these rules first.
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged, and to read your blog.

Miss N, i love being tagged also... weehee... ade chance update blog walaupun tengah busy sesangat ni... hahahaha... 8 facts about me... hope u like it...

I love addin more than adriana... hihihihi, jahat sungguh M... sungguh berat sebelah... no, bukan sebab addin fair than adriana, it's because he is the first anak sedara... that's why ma...

I will be getting married this coming december; insyaAllah, with the person i love the most... muhammad umar abdul razak...

mase M kecik2 mak kate M suke makan and telan getah... bukan chewing gum ek... getah gelang yang warna coklat tu... mak kate ntah berapa banyak lah M telan menda tu... hihihihi

mase kat sekolah dulu M sangat gelap sampai budak2 lelaki panggil M keling and pasha, niza, shariman sume panggil M Letchumy Naidu (mase form 3)... sedih tau... sampai birthday card pun dorang tulis "especially dedicated to Letchumy Naidu"... ntah ape2... lepas SPM, M start pakai product de wajah, hehehe, pastu terus jadi putih... skang dah gelap balik sebab sunburn haritu tak hilang2 lagi... hish... nak kawin dah ni.... come on M, mari putihkan kulit dan kuruskan badan...!!!

mase kecik2 dulu M selalu curi duit kat wallet abah... tapi abah tak pernah marah... hahahahaha...

M dah miss 2 important wedding while i'm studying here... ateh's wedding and anis' wedding... sangat sedih sebab dorang 2 memang best friend M mase diploma kat melaka...

i am a perfectionist in my work... i do not like to do cincai2 work... so, i always do the best for all my assignments even though it was a last minute preparation, M rela tak tido daripada buat keja janji siap...

at my house they called me by the name of 'TITIT.' Actually, mase M kecik2 puas orang panggil M dengan nama Mazlina tapi M buat tak endah jek... then one day abah came back from work at kluang and pressed the hon of his car. i was 1++ then, i ran towards the car and started to laugh a lot... the hon sound was like 'teet teet'.. hehehe, that's where i got my pet name...

Ok, now the fun part... people that i want to tag:
1. Ayang
2. Ikmal
3. Feisal
4. Asril
5. Hafiza
6. Rinanda
7. azlan roni
8. boleh tak nak tag Miss N balik... hehehehe, xde orang nak tag dah lah... come on Miss N, u can do it...


itot said...

hahahhaah boleh pulak di atag Nia balik?/ haa nia, apa lagi? jawabbbb.

A RONIN said...

love u ayang...eheheeh

who else

Q-KHALIFA said...

I will be getting married this coming december; insyaAllah
--> tahniah in advance.jgn lupa kasi kad,nnt aku turun johor.

mak kate ntah berapa banyak lah M telan menda tu... hihihihi

--> bahaya ni, b4 kawin, jgn lupa x-ray badan takut2 ada terlekat lagi ke n buat test ujian darah,huhu

umar said...

wei rad, ko nak KLCC bermandi dgn darah ke hahahha..selamba je..aku masih idup lagi woih!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the tag. nanti aku usahakan la tulis benda tu. paling tak reti tulis pasal diri sendiri.

btw, happy birthday