Wednesday, August 19, 2009

lawasia, ante-natal class and ramadhan....

it's 6.45 pm, at my office now.. just finished classes with the accounting student for company law.. am too exhauted because had to give two lectures in a row...

ayang just texted, he'll be home late tonight; again..! never mind la, normal kan for those working at zaid ibarahim... i decided to stay at the office for a while to arrange my notes and browsing the net.. sat lagi boleh beli nasi goreng daging merah, tapau bawak balik rumah...

it's been a while since i last updated the blog, too many works to do laaa... a bit relieved because lawasia mooting had finished; but frankly, i was not involved in the training, cuma datang sekali-sekala.. i supposed because i already did my task on the working paper and applying for the budget and other logistic things... hehe

talking about the lawasia mooting, i am proud for the teams (all four of them); especially the junior teams who did very well despite the fact that it were their first time moot! uitm ended up 3rd, 4th and 5th place... even though we are not the first or second, i'm proud because out of 5 teams eligible for final round, 3 teams were from uitm.. congratulations again to the team... and special thanks to dr.irwin who without fail trained the team with all his heart and soul... i cannot imagine mooting club without dr.irwin... this credit should also be given to ummi who helped a lot too, she is the future face of the moot club i supposed...

last week also, i went to demc ante natal class held at concorde hotel, shah alam.. ayang and I went there to get a big picture of what is going to happen at labour room and to gain knowledge about delivery and so on... it is a good class and i recommend every first time mom-to-be to attend the class, it is good for you to know especially on what to expect during pregnancy and delivery and breastfeeding... they also taught on breathing techniques and some interesting exercise that pregnant mom should do...

ok la, enough for now... opps, forget to wish you all selamat berpuasa... tahun ni saya berpuasa dengan suami tercinta.. and talking about puasa, my DD would be just approximately a month from now.. wish me luch peeps...

saya juga mintak ampun dan maaf kepada semua jika saya ada membuat sebarang kesilapan atau kesalahan.. bermaaf-mafan sebelum puasa ni afdhal orang kata agar puasa dan amalan baik kita di bulan mulia akan diterima oleh Allah.. amin...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dah jadi moot mistress la ko yea ha ha keep up good work! :)