Sunday, April 20, 2008


hi there again... cheh2 sejak2 ade blog ni nak update jek.. hehehehe... going to tell u guys what happened today... boring gak mcm semalam, pagi pegi kelas 9 to 4.30... hehehe, dpt balik awal sebab prof paul myburgh nak catch plane back to auckland... today's class agak memeningkan jugak lah... kena blaja pasal hague rules, hague/visby rules and hamburg rules... pastu siap kena relatekan dgn queensland carriage of goods by sea act 1991... ish mesti korang pening kan?? ni baru bagitau name2 convention; belum masuk name2 case lagi... hish... dah stop2 pasal study... nway today is my last class for international trade law... there will be an opinion writing waiting to be handed on 26th may... 5250 words lagi... aduis... so, kat sebelah tu adelah gambar me and professor paul myburgh... yelah, last class kan td; so amikler gambar together2... hehehehe... then after jek paul bagi soalan, kitorang sume pun packing lah nak balik and suddenly pia, ryan, andy and aslan approached me tanye nak join tak study group dorang... they will meet every friday from 2 to 5 p.m. so orang dah invite kan; so M pun accept je lah... lagipun leh discuss soalan opinion writing tu... hehehehe

oklah, actually M nak cite pasal M ni... ok, for all of u who didn't know me well; here's a little bit of myself. born on may the 6th, 1982... at batu pahat... my hometown is at batu pahat, johor. sekolah rendah kat srk convent batu pahat. then sambung blaja kat sm sains sultan haji ahmad shah (semsas)... wo, talking about semsas; i should publish a special post for cerita kat semsas jek... hehehehehe; byk wo kenangan manis, pahit, masam and masin kat semsas ni... hahahaha. then after spm M keja sat kat kfc batu pahat for about 7 months sebab intake nak masuk uni mase tu kena tunggu sampai june... yelah, M x pandai sgt mcm orang lain dpt masuk matriculation... pastu kan mase keja kfc tu lah M jadi gemuk tau... sedih sangat, pastu nak turunkan berat badan dah susah dah, hehehehe alasan je sebenarnye; boleh jek nak manage weight kalau betul caranye kan??

then M dapat masuk uitm alor gajah; sambung diploma in public administration... mase diploma ni pun byk sgt kenangan terindah terjadi dlm hidup M tau... hehehehehe... then after three years kat alor gajah, M sambung degree kat uitm shah alam... bachelor of legal studies (hons.); M pun tak sure kenapa boleh tercampak kat law fac ni sebab dr sekolah xdelah minat sgt history... hehehehe... alhamdulillah; M berjaya graduate dengan second class upper... lepas graduate kan M ingat nak terus keja pastu M terusler apply tutor kat uitm jengka... tapi tak tau plak dr. musrifah ( my dean) yg akan interview... my dean then advice M to continue with my LLB (Hons.). time interview tu die siap boleh janji kat M die akan offer M young lecturer scheme if M agree to continue my LLB... omg, my dean ni kan....

then pastu bermula lah hidup baru M... for one year i took the professional program... it's like very hectic, life was so busy with assignments, case readings, presentation and filing... argh, so tiring that M lost weight jugak lah... hehehehe. the program is designed so that students can actually feel part of practical world of a lawyer... we were grouped into a small firm of 4 to 5 each firm.. and each firm have to have one senior partner... hehehehe, malas ah nak bangga tapi i was a senior partner in my firm; MAZLINA & ASSOCIATES... my firm mate is wawa, diana and shana... byk gak lah problem firm mate but we all manage to solve the problem... xpe2, tu sume dugaan dan cabaran hidup yg semua orang kena lalui... biaselah crisis dengan firm mate ni kan...? mase LLB ni lah M amat bertuah to have muhammad umar in my life.... he was so supportive and so patient... we went to office together, we went back together, had lunch and dinner together almost every single day... and to tell u all the truth, i cannot afford to lose a guy like him in my life... ya allah, panjangkanlah dan tetapkanlah jodoh kami berdua dan kekal hingga ke akhir hayat...

jun 2007, M graduate LLB (Hons.) with first class... i'm the only student who got first class that semester... rase mcm sangat bertuah sebab tak sia2 usaha M stay kat office sampai lewat malam... study mcm orang gile; semata2 nak prove to my dean that i'm worthy to get the tpm's scheme... finally 12th july 2007, M terbang ke brisbane sambung master plak... preparation sebelum fly amatlah memeningkan kepala... M mcm dah putus harapan mase tu; dah lah pegi btn pun lambat, then duit allowance pun tak dapat before pergi... aduis... nasib baik lah mak and abah berduit orangnye, kalau tak M rase M tak fly kot ke brisbane ni... thank u mak and abah for all ur support and thought... i love u...

at brisbane, M mule2 mcm ade masalah sebab housemate M (aslam) balik malaysia for three weeks... M mcm terkontang kanting sorang2 kat brisbane ni... hari2 pegi indooroopilly shoping mall sebab bosan sangat2 and sebab bosan jugak lah M terjebak dengan dunia fitness first... hehehehe... tp bile dah lama2 duduk brisbane, i make friends with some wonderful person; namely N, Aza, Shu, Huda, Ina, Nabil, Lyana, Jem, Effa, Itot, Shidah, Aini (both), Nisa, Kak Faza, Kak Yan, Kak Ros, Emy, Yaser, Latip, Hezmee, Hilmi, Donna, Syam and ramai lagi ler... soriler kpd name2 yg M x sebut... nak cepat nih dah lapar... hehehehe... life kat brisbane memang totally berbeza ngan malaysia... no mamak and kopitiam here... no fast food that u can eat like crazy, no hanging out till late nite at midvalley... no midnight cinema... (ade midnight cinema, cume takleh nak pegi sebab xde transport; maklumlah naik public transport kat sini), hari2 kena masak... mcm2 lagilah... and the most important are no family and ayang who is always there for me... isk2... sedihnye...

but really, even though life is different here relationship with people become closer... yelah, kawan2 dah mcm adik beradik; we take care of each other, we laugh and cried together... (yeke? selalunye M nak nangis masuk bilik sorang2 kot), everything we did was fun and full of memories that i'll never forget... paling menggembirakan ialah menyanyi beramai2 dalam kereta from surfers paradise to st lucia tanpa henti... (best kan malam tu N? with little S, latip, hezmee and nabila)...

ok enough for tonite... M belum habis cite lagi pasal M nih... that is just my educational background jek... belum cite family, interest and about the love of my life lagi nih... hehehehe, hope u guys and girls x bosan bace blog M.... till M sambung tulis lagi... nite2 peeps... xoxo... M... ;)

1 comment:

Nadia J said...

oh menyanyi non-stop itu mmg perkara biase jika ia melibatkan latep dan hezmee.. heheh.