hi peeps... at my previous post, i kind of promise to write about my family... so, to whoever who are interested to know me and my family better, here are the stories about my lovely family.
ok let me start with my father a.k.a mahali taib. he is now going to turn 57 years old. he was born on 28 august 1951 at a felda (don't actually know the name) at kluang. he is the eldest in the family and being the eldest as he is; responsible is a best word to describe him. whenever we passed by at kluang, he started to tell us of how much his family suffered especially during the british colonization where they learnt about starving and 'the semangat kemerdekaan' thing. personally, i adore my father very much. as said before, he is very responsible and caring. being the only daughter of him make me proud because as i grew up i really think that he loves me more than my two other brothers. hehehe, to madeq and ayep; don't be mad ok... abah memang sayang aku lebih... previously my father worked at CIMB as head of retail business centre, johor. my father is a family man.. much of his time is spent with his wife, and his children. back then when he was still working, he went out from the house at 8.30 and went straight home at 5.30 or 6 in the evening. he never complained about his work and he do the cooking and laundry until now (eheh; except when i'm at home)... fuish, wish my two brothers are like him... and one more thing u guys should know about my father is that he has great voice... ala2 tan sri p ramlee tu... kalau die nyanyi seroja, kalah mawi tau... hehehehe... lagu seroja tu M dah tau sejak kecik lagi sebab mak kate abah selalu nyanyi kat M mase M kecik2... but strange thing to note that when i was a little girl; i don't like my father as much as i do now... back then i'm afraid of him because he forced me to 'makan nasik' which i did not like at that time... sedih wo kena tengking sebab buang nasik kat bawah meja... hahahaha, padan muka M... and another thing to note is that M rajin belajar adalah kerana lelaki ini... kerana die lah M berjaya belajar tinggi2 sampai ke australia ni... M dah 3 kali convo and setiap kali convo tu lah abah menitiskan air mata die... air mata terharu... (uish, bergenang dah air mata ku ini...). guys, this is the picture of the man i love the most in my life...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
ok, now let's move to my beautiful mother, pn rukiah k. alawee. my mother was born at batu pahat, johor but his father was from india somewhere in kerala... that's why her father's name starts with the letter 'k'. i must admit that my mother is a beautiful lady inside and out... she is now 55 years old, born on 24th may 1953. she came from a rich family. my great grandfather, c.ahmad was a rich man at batu pahat back then on 1950 and 60's. my mother lost her mother (my grandmother) when she was 17. so, she always say to me that i am lucky that i still have her at my age, and yes i am lucky to have her in my life... (hehehe, walaupun selalu gak gaduh2 ngan mak, ntah ape2 lah M ni, tak baik tau gaduh ngan mak). but she is a very sensitive woman especially lately ni.. (hehe, symtom2 manopause abah kate... betul ke spelling tu ek..?). my mother loves to decorate her house. kalau u guys datang umah M, mesti u guys amazed how my mother decorate her house. she is creative, she likes branded and expensive thing and that's where i inherited it... hehehehe... she loves my brother, mahathir very much because he is eldest and he inherited most of mak's physical kot... hehehe, boleh ke mcm tu? tapi memang nampak lah ape2 pun mak akan lebihkan mahathir... sian ayep, xde orang nak lebih2kan die... kahkahkah.. ok peeps, here is my mother... isn't she beautiful??
my mom with her grand daughter, adriana
ok, now let me tell you guys about my elder brother, mahathir mahali. nama die memang sengaja ditiru oleh mak saye sempena nama our mantan prime minister. he was born on 28th february 1977 at batu pahat. die ni handsome jugaklah, adelah ala2 campuran shajiri and ally iskandar sikit, cume die gelap jek... hahahaha... muke die memang mamak abislah, sebab tu mak sayang lebih kat die... he is a lecturer at uitm. die ni very the pembersih... pasal personal hygene.. loves ping pong very much. abang saye ade sindrom nervous yg agak kronic jugak and sampai sekarang die ckp tergagap2 sikit... hehehe, tp die ni sangat rajin belajar jugak, macam saye (sempat lagi tu nak puji diri sendiri, kuikuikui) he is very particular about health, sebab tu die tak suke orang gemuk yang tak jage makan (mcm saye). die selalu jugaklah nasihat jgn makan byk, dahlah awak tu xde sport mcm kat sekolah dulu... (tak mcm ayep, bukan nasihat, kutuk je lebih). he is a big fan of arsenal (which i pun terikut2). he loves when it is time to go back to batu pahat for holiday sebab tempat makan sume best2 and murah2... especially his favourite lontong goreng... kecik2 dulu die adalah sangat nakal sebab suka membunuh binatang2 seperti anak kucing dan anak ayam... tapi mase zaman2 sekolah, die sangat rajin; demam pun gi sekolah jugak... bagus2... and here is my abang, en mahathir...
ade tak ala2 shajiri or ally iskandar??
the next person i want to write about is my beautiful sis in law... junaidah jamaluddin. she was born on 6th april 1977 at alor setar, kedah... have long, straight and shiny hair. she is a lecturer at uitm. she is also particular about cleanliness and personal hygene. for me she is simple yet sensitive, patient and love to smile... kakak ipar M ni sangatlah lembut orangnye... tutur kate die tertib dan teratur jek... sejuklah mata mertua dapat menantu mcm die... hehehehe... die sangat menjaga makan, sebab nak maintain badan... her food that she cooked tastes good, especially her sambal tumis udang. can't tell u guys much about my sis in law ni sebab baru beberapa tahun je kenal die... ha, and one more thing; she loves to buy me gift, either for my convocation or birthday. hehehe, best wo dapat hadiah mahal. abang and sis in law sekarang tgh buat PhD kat malaysia, at uitm too. semangat uitm dihatiku ni... hehehe.. below is my sis in law...
my lovely2 sis junn
next on the list is my younger brother, mahariff mahali a.k.a ayep the gonjeng... hahahaha, M pun suke panggil die shrek sebab badan die ngan hidung die besar mcm shrek and hairy jugak lah mamat ni... ewww.. he was born on 30th september 1984, which means he is 2 years younger than me but physically, he looks 10 years older than me... hahahaha.. ni lah time nak kutuk die... ayep ni panggil M 'gem' which is singkatan to gemuk.. bodoh sungguh... ayep ni memang semulajadi genius tp agak pemalas. die x study pun leh excel. he loves rugby so much, he is interested in bela kambing and jadi orang kaya. makhluk ni amatlah pemalas orangnye, sangatlah x hygenic langsung. suke gile x gosok gigi walaupun baru bangun tido. hish, jangan buat laki mamat nih. hehehe.. but apart from negative side of him, he values friends as families (kadang2 lebih dr family which is sangat menensionkan abah..) he has a girlfriend whose name is sarah (mcm manelah minah ni leh sangkut kat die pun M tak tau...) ayep ni dr kecik suke menjahanamkan barang. kalau die pakai keta mesti accident nye, x tau lah apsal... ade jin lekat kat badan die kot... hahahaha... oklah, this is him...
hahaha.. inilah malaysian's shrek...
last but not least is my nephew and niece; muhammad addin rafiq and jasmine adriana... pergh, nama jek dah dasyat.. saye sangat sayang dengan dorang... dua2 sangat comel. this year addin will be 5 and adriana will be 4... cepatnye masa berlalu. ingat lagi masa addin umur setahun, M jage die kat sebulan sampai die leh lupe sape abah ngan mak die... mase tu kak junn deliver adriana, so tak boleh nak jaga addin. so, saye sebagai aunty yang solehah jagelah addin tercinta tu. best sangat jage dorang, rase mcm nak kawin cepat and dapat anak cepat2 jek.. (eiii, malu plak). nway, nothing much to say about them just that they are fun to be with and sometimes menduga iman jugak... and this is a cute picture of them...
addin and adriana at mines resort city
i really treasure every moment with my family... bak kate orang; sume orang yang hidup ni kite kena hargai sebelum sesuatu terjadi kepada mereka. that's why people should not take for granted what others might feel. be sensitive in life, sensitive in the sense that u can actually feel what others might feel and try not to be mcm takde perasaan. hehehehe...
ok, that's enough for now... M nak masak ni, nak masak sayur kacang goreng jek, pastu goreng telur, ayam semalam ade lagi... till jumpe lagi... sekarang tgh bz ni.. (cheh, bz pun sempat update blog ni...).. cepatlah masa berlalu please, tak sabar nak abis kelas, tak sabar nak grad... bye... xoxo... M... ;)
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