my birthday is tomorrow. but my friends here in brisbane had celebrated it yesterday... yeah, this is what u will get if ur birthday is in the weekdays... hehehehe... never mind, i'm really surprised and touched by their effort to celebrate my birthday even though it is in advance.
the story began when i received a text from N. she said; 'M, malam ni kite takyah masak. nabil ngan ina ajak makan umah dorang, weehee..' and with innocent happiness, i replied 'yay.. bestnye.. suke betul ade orang nak masakkan..' i had my intensive class for my international dispute settlement from 9 to 5 yesterday. so, it is wonderful if u don't have to think about cooking when someone willingly want to cook for u... hehehehe.. then suddenly andy asked me whether i want to follow him and half of the class to south bank to watch buddha festival. i was thinking it would be fun if i join the class, but since i had made a promise to N to go with her to the 'dinner thing' so i just replied to andy that i have dinner with my malaysian friend. there's a bit of frustration in his face, don't know why.. hehehe... lain kali lah ye andy...
i reached home at 5.30 and performed my maghrib. N was not home; probably at lab. then about 6++, she came back home and made a fruit trifle. she said to me that she had promised to ina and nabil to bring the trifle. i did not suspect anything because it was not my birthday yesterday. plus N said that ina and nabil dah lama tak buat makan2, and nisa and rain pun x pernah datang umah dorang lagi... hehehehe... so, without any suspicion, i believe it. N said that the dinner will start at 7. after isya' i started to dress, but really, because of so tired i did not put any make up. and i still wear the same blouse. it's already 7 and i waited for N to come out from her room until 7.15 and i felt asleep for a moment. hehehehe, lapar punye pasal nih.. (i did not bring my lunch yesterday; i had oreo stick and picnic choc for my lunch...)
then we walked to ina and nabil's house, which is like 3 minutes walk plus the 'naik bukit' action... hehehehe.. then, when they openned the door, SURPRISE!!! gile terkejut beruk jugak lah... HAPPY BIRTDAY MAZLINA... they sang a birthday song for me.. wah, i'm so surprised because i don't really expect the party plus it is not my birthday yet.. hehehe, i blew the candles... then they said that they have to celebrate it yesterday because everyone is busy on this coming tuesday... so, i had my birthday celebration on 4th may.. it was so fun... it was so touched and really it was so surprised... (tapi xdelah sampai nangis macam orang tu kan...). i was told that the masterminds were non other than miss H and miss N... thank u cupid H and cupid N...
that nite almost all the food were pastas... except itot and H jek yg masak mee hoon goreng.. sume masak sedap... berbagai2 jenis pasta M rase semalam... and the birthday chocolate cake was so good and tempting... i ate 2 slices of it.. (thanks to nisa, shida and rain yang pi beli cake kat indooroo...) N's trifle was so good too sampai rain pun tanye recipe die... hahaha, tanyelah N, tanye M buat ape.. below are the pictures of the food and the cake...
ok peeps... thank u for the birthday celebration... thanks to all who came; N, H, Itot a.k.a I (even though die x kasik panggi die I), ina, nabil, little, nisa, rain, Z, shu, kak fida, kak faza, kak yan, jem, L, donna and alia... thanks everybody... love u so much... muahs... till next time... u know u love me... xoxo... M... ;)
ye lorrr, I love you!
happy birthday in advance ayang...
best nye ada kawan2 celebrate bday awak...
happy bday!
it is still different without family and ayang here.. but i am grateful to have a wonderful and irreplaceable friends here... that is one thing i should always appreciate...
dah nak midnite dah nih M... awak dah tido ke belum? kalau belum, skit lagi saya wish awak ek.. oh anyway, awak dah terkena tagged dgn saya di blog saya. sila lah berkunjung ke blog saya for more info.. hehe xoxo ;)
hepy burfday maz! :D
Happy birthday Maz, semoga panjang umur murah rezki :)
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