hi peeps... lama dah tak update blog.. sedih internet connection takdek kat umah... sume gara2... eiii, malas plak nak lepas geram lagi. cukuplah lepas geram kat H, Itot ngan penghuni 18/22 warren st ni... ni pun M update blog kat umah little S, aini and nisa... sedihnye... semalam tido sini buat sleepover, malam ni pun tido sini lagi... aduis, harap2 M and N tak menyusahkan little S ngan housemate ye... tapi malam semalam M dah masak lasagne, tp tu pun sebab nisa nak belajar sangat... tengahari td pun saye dah masak mee curry... hehehehe, siap kena puji, kembang sekejap M... esok kitorang plan nak buat soto... hahaha, marilah bersama2 membesarkan badan kawan2 ku... ek eleh kalau makan kang, lain sume tak gemuk... M sorang je yang membesar je.. mane aci, nak2 si little ngan itot tu... tak puas hati sungguh ngan dorang...
we had to meet at the uq chancellor's place at 9.am and we arrived at brisbane port at approximately 9.45a.m. as soon as we arrived, we were served with some refreshment and about 10a.m, the customer service officer gave a welcoming speech and explained us the history of brisbane port from as early as 1860's... hehehe, what is law if we do not knew the history, right?? then the officer proceed to explain the development and the future of the port. he also touched about some popular goods that arrived at the port. the goods are such as coal, cement, oil and cars.
the officer then pass the floor to another lady officer (can't remember her name) and she then brought us into the bus and the trip begun. the first place we visited was the coal berth. it was so gorgeous because i've never seen such a lot of coal in my life. almost all place is in black colour and everyone of us was so amazed. same goes to the wood chips berths. there was a lot of it that it look so amazing. and the most weird thing is that even though it is a wood chips, it is not flying even when the wind blew so hard.... i don't know why; but when i asked one of my class mate, he said that the wood chip is wet.. i don't know whether to believe it or not...
loads of coal; amazing isn't it???
we were then brought to the cement berth; the oil berth, the car berth.. the trip finished almost at 1p.m but unluckily we were not served with lunch because the trip was supposedly to finish at 11.30. we were starving and hungry. hehehe, but in the middle of starving we still managed to take some picture in front before we finally reached uq.
hehehe, lupe nak cite pasal mamat karem tu... i talked to him for the first time when we went to the trip. he is very handsome as u can see... suke sangat tengok die tau... hehehehe, M pun berbual2 lah ngan die mase trip tu.. barulah M tau die tu muslim. his father org turkey and his mom org german.. mix blood mcm M jugaklah kire2nye... hehehehe, tp die terlampau handsome lah plak kan... hehehehe, ni yang semangat nak pegi tuesday's class ni... dah ade semangat baru ni... go M, kalau leh buat study discussion ngan die pun xpe... hehehehehe... lupe jap kat abang alex kalau pikir pasal mamat ni... hish teruk betul lah M ni... ayang jgn marah ye... ni name die flirting menggedik sebelum kawin... hehehehehe
we all terus jek balik pastu but M, aslan, vivian, dao and suprita singgah nando's untuk lunch... aduis M tetiba crave nando's lah plak... hehehehe... kitorang pun melantak lah dengan berjayanye...
me and dao
aslan and me... itot kate M jek yang beria nak rapat2 ngan aslan tu... eiii, sungguh x benar, M nak posing manje jek... hehehehe
ramai2 amik gambar
we all terus jek balik pastu but M, aslan, vivian, dao and suprita singgah nando's untuk lunch... aduis M tetiba crave nando's lah plak... hehehehe... kitorang pun melantak lah dengan berjayanye...
oklah kawan2 ku... ade orang kat depan yang tgh tgk harry potter tu dah mengumpat2 cakap M beria update blog... tu kalau tak bace blog saye tu tak tau lah nak ckp ape... penat upload gambar sume ni... xpe2... esok M update blog pasal anzac parade plak ek litlle and itot... hehehehe... till then, happy reading... muahs... xoxo... M... ;)
M...klu M nk menetap cni trus pn kami alu2kn..sbb M masak best gler..hehehhe...bleh gemuk little s cm gini. caya la...smpat la kumpul lemak utk winter nnt :)
yelah tu little... kang tak jai lecturer, jadi chef plak lepas ni.. hahahahha
M, cmne nak update blog esok? esok kan kita sudah kembali ke umah yg tak berinternet itu? huk huk.. ke nak tulis blog siang2? hmmm...
ha'ah la M. asik makan jer nih..gemuk lah cmni!
skrg harry potter dah habis, diorg tibai tengok jangan pandang belakang lah pulaakkkkk.....
iyah iyah iyahhtak sabarnye tunggu soto pulak manyak sukerrrr..
cepatlah esok nak sotoooo
amboi2...rapatnye amik gambar..kang saya gigit awak baru tau....gedik eh! heheheh
hah, memang gedik tuu.. gedik gedikkkk!! hahaha *batu api* :p
ayang, N tu memang batu api... tu bukan gedik, tu posing nak nampak lawa namanye... hehehehehe...
itot, soto hasil usaha kite sangat sedap... thank u jugak orang2 yg menolong ye... nisa, aini and shidah..
N, kite kena update blog malam ni gak sebelum balik ke rumah yg tidak berinternet tu... hish... boring...
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