hi peeps... it's too late for this post actually. as u guys know, i was so damn busy doing my take home exam. alhamdulillah dah siap and trying to finish the other one but really tgh so stress right now.. so, the best thing u should do when u r stress is either eat or sleep... but i had done both of of them and still stress out, so without feeling guilty, i think it's better for me to update about my activities last week (before the take home exam's questions is out)... hehehe
last weekend, (3oth, 31st may and 1st june) i went to three historical events.. cheh3x.. poyos jek. on the night before ayang's birthday; which is on 30th may, i went to suncorp stadium to watch brisbane broncos vs paramatta eels (eh betul ke ek?? betul kot).. it is a rugby game; which previously i used to hate because my brother ayep was so fanatic with rugby and rugby player is so busuk maa... tak tahan kalau dekat die, tak hygene langsung... hahahaha...
the game was very interesting, exciting, suspend and so like berdebar2 and byk lagilah perasaan yang ade mase tgk game tu.. i learnt about it from non other than miss H yang explain how they got their point... barulah tau TRY tu ape maksudnye dlm rugby... anyway, brisbane broncos (team yang we all support menang 26-22).. sangat best x terkata coz it was a last minute try... walaupun reece robinson yang ku cintai tak buat try pun, but really jatuh cinta dengan hot body die... sunguh menarik and mengancam... hahahaha, sempat lagi tu... tulah sape suruh tayang body depan i, i dahlah suke that mamak2 face... hehehe, gugur iman beb tgk mamat tu...
people who also went to the game was our mr. captain, hezmee; others were latape, anjas, hilmi, yase, emma, mel, miss H, miss N and me myself. we went to the stadium by train from toowong to milton, then had to walk about 10 minutes to the stadium.. saye, miss H and miss N pakai baju yang sama yang we all beli at K-Mart couple of weeks before the game (punyalah semangat). diorang ajak lagi pegi tgk game broncos this coming friday, but really sorry guys; memang tak dapat nak join because have to finish my research.. Miss N leh lah pegi, die dah antar report; status YM die asik "hari bermalas-malasan" jek... jealous gile saye... ok peeps, this are some of the photos that were taken before, during and after the game...
Sunday, June 8, 2008
ok, actually nak continue with activities on last saturday and sunday but really; i am too tired right now... it's 2.08 a.m and still i'm doing my research sambil2 upload gambar2 di atas... tomorrow, if saya dah sgt stress, saya update story about makan2 at rumah kak faza and trip to australia zoo... till then, u know u love me... xoxo... M...
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wah..enjoy sakan tengok ragbi ek....heheheh
mestilah enjoy... jom tgk lagi friday ni... dare to join..???
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