just want 2 wish u happy birthday.... sorry for not being there for u... but i hope u have a wonderful day today... and i know u got ur big present today, the wrk 159... ur lovely purple persona... nanti saye balik awk jemput ngan persona awk ek.. hehe...
ok yang, again happy birthday..
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
I thought it was a nice gift...
really2 sad right now... *nangis*... i thought the gift that i sent was so nice that he will be so grateful to have me.... but instead he was so busy with work and forget to express his thoughtful thanks in a way that he always did. he had always called me to wish how thankful he was for something special i did for him. but not this year... i had to call him and the conversation ends with me crying.... yeah, this is what will happen when u love someone so much.......... thanks for the nice talk....
Monday, May 26, 2008
alamak, dah master pun ade kuiz2 ke... aparaaaa... close book plak tu, hish dah lame betul tak menggunakan skill menghafal cases and provisions nih, tahun lepas mase LLB (Hons) terror ah... ni bile dah amik master ni, asik buat opinion writing yang mmg books, articles and journal base, dah lupe dah skill menghafal. hish, mcm mane saye boleh manghafal dengan cepat dulu2 ek... mase exam siap tak bukak statute pun tau that provision pasal ape2, nak2 bile deal ngan National Land Code, Companies Act and Civil Procedure Code... kenapalah susah sangat nk memorize skang ni... hish UQ ni kate tak nak encourage memorizing etc... but ade gak subject yang kena memorize ni, hish kalau lah kuiz esok ni bukan 30%, dah lame buat sambil lewa jek... argh, help me.......!!!!!!! u know u love me.... M....
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Minggu yang mencabar buat Mazlina...
wuiyoo... lama gile tak update blog... rindu plak nak blogging. tp masa amatlah tidak mengizinkan saye untuk berceloteh2 dalam blog ni... ni saat2 kritikal saya sebagai student master kat brisbane ni.. 3 assignments due next week... then another 2 take home exams are waiting for me in june and finally my research paper on governance of state owned enterprises: comparative study between malaysia and new zealand will have to be submitted on 20th june... aduis...
dahlah minggu ini adalah minggu yang sangat tension buat saye... ingatkan boleh lah buat assignment dengan tenang tanpa sebarang masalah, rupe2nye langit tu tak sentiasa cerah.. kadang2 Allah menduga kesabaran kite tanpa diduga. ya, saya bersyukur kerana bersabar dengan masalah yang telah ditetapkan olehNya. dan saye juga bersyukur kerana Allah telah membuka mata saye untuk menilai yang mana intan dan yang mana permata... apa lagi yang mampu seorang perempuan yang jauh dari keluarganya lakukan selain mengalirkan air mata dan berdoa semoga hatinya tabah menempuh segala dugaan. masalah yang saye hadapi sekarang ini tiada kaitan dengan pelajaran saya, masalah peribadi yang biasa dialami oleh kebanyakan perempuan. dan saya hairan, saya cube untuk berlagak biasa, but seems like there were already a barrier since that day, yeah i'll never forget last monday for the whole of my life.... "hati ini walaupun telah dilukai namun diri tabah jua menghadapi.." hahahaha, boleh plak tulis lirik lagu kat sini kan..???
oklah, stop with all the stupid and nonsense things that happened this week.. sekarang ni, balik je dr keja saye sudah tidak tido seperti dahulu kerana saye perlu disiplin untuk menyiapkan tugasan saye... saye dah tak sabar nak balik malaysia dan berjumpa dengan keluarga tercinta. sekarang ni, hanya mak, ayang dan beberapa teman "KUBA" yang mampu buat saye tersenyum. owh ye, semalam saye gelak lah jugak sambil tengok cerita CUCI yang lawak gile tu... kihkihkih....
this saturday will be my mom's birthday and next saturday will be ayang's... two most important people in my life... saye sudah hantar kad and hadiah kepada mak dan ayang... hope they'll receive it on time and hoping that they'll love what they get...
haritu chatting ngan ikmal hisham and dia kate kemungkinan besar ade antara kami TPM ni yang akan kena posting sarawak sebab lecturer law memang tengah kritikal kat sane... alah, ni yang tension ni, saye nak mengajar di shah alam sebab boyfriend saye bekerja kat pusat bandar damansara, susah die nak transfer2... harap2 puan saudah boleh consider saye mangajar di shah alam... takutnye kalau kena posting jauh2, sarawak ke, merbok ke... aduis... hari2 berdoa agar dpt posting shah alam ni... tak tau lah dimakbulkan ke tidak... harap2 Allah memperkenankan doa hambaNya ini... AMIN...
oklah, till then... till I have time to update my blog... u know u love me... xoxo... M
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
argh... tension bile nak siap assignment nih.. rase mcm dah tulis panjang dah, tapi bile check word count masih tak cukup2 lagi... hish..
dah lah tengah pening soalan assignment ni ntah ape2... tak tau nak pakai law mane, hague-visby rules ke, australian COGSA ke or korean commercial code.. ish, lecturer2 ni suke betul buat soalan yg complicated.. nanti bile saye jadi lecturer, saye akan buat soalan senang jek... hahahaha, yeah right!! inilah mase nak balas dendam... hahahaha, saye akan buat soalan yang paling susah... sampai demam2 and muntah2 student jawab soalan saye... (tanduk di kepala sudah mula nak tumbuh... warning: beware to all future uitm law student...)
oklah... nak sambung buat assignmnent international trade law ni... tak boleh update blog panjang2, nanti ade orang sound plak: kate bz, leh plak update blog... bye peeps... xoxo... M... ;)
Sunday, May 11, 2008
i named the post "last 100 meters" because i've finished my intensive course today at 5.15p.m... actually the quote "last 100 meters, came from kak ros who is now struggling to finish her theses for phd. i will finish my internal course in just a few weeks time... argh, really can't wait to finish my LLM unofficially on 20th june when i submit the research paper for corporate law. the result will be out on 2nd july and if mine is fine (no sangku2 paper); i will officially obtained my LLM on 18th july... weeheee...
now that i'm finish with the class, i need to submit all my assignments (which like s**t all due almost the same time).. wargh, i'm going to be so busy this months until mid june... hahaha, but i think i'll still have time to update my blog.... hikhik.. there are 3 assignments due end of this month, 2 other on early june and one research paper on mid june... come on mazlina... remember, this is ur final 100 meters... strive and struggle with it.. u can do it despite the fact that u think u cannot... (hahahaha, sungguh x positif my mind...)
nway, the last few weeks were like a miserable things that ever happened to me (except of course my birthday celebration; the sleepover and I's birthday pasty yesterday). i did not enjoy the way i spent my weekends; went to the class from 9am to 5pm.. but i did like this corporate law class.. why? hehehe, because the faculty took the initiatives serving the students with coffee and cakes for morning break... hikhik, that was the fun side of the class besides having my laptop on during the class and surfing the net while the lecturer gave his talk... hahahaha... so, malaysian lah mazlina ni!!
all my friends here are busy too, doing their final work for final exam, confirmation and etc2... and to u guys... wish u all the best and remember that anything u do, do it with all your heart.. my pray will always be there for u...
ok, enough for studies... right now, i'm missing some very important people in my life... if only i could go back to malaysia for a while and to see them even for an hour... huh, that could not be happening.. so, mazlina.. just focusly do ur work and remember, the time to go back to malaysia will soon arrive... pandailah mazlina ni pujuk diri sendiri kan???
anyway, i was told by someone today that i need to smile... (don't need to mention his name and for what reason he asked me to smile... hehehe, but i did mentioned it was 'he' right??). i was really annoyed by his comment but when i think it all over again, it was really silly for me to be annoyed by his comment... so, from now on i'm going to smile even for something litlle or stupid or simple.. don't know whether i can do it or not, because i am a type of person who seldom smiles... but it's a character right? and someone's character can be changed provided there are extra reasons for the change... i really want to smile, even when i have problems, even when i'm pushed beyond my limit, even when something unexpectedly happens but no doubt, i don't really think i could do it... but, it's no harm trying.. i will try... insyaAllah, with HIS blessings, i will change to be a better person... AMIN... for whoever who like to smile; teach me to smile please... especially for a simple stupid things...
lastly... for u guys and girls whom i love so much... do make a wish and place it in your heart... anything u want; everything u want... then, always believe that it can come true...!! remember that u'll never know what's the next miracle would come from the next smile.. so, keep smiling and who knows, the miracle is just around the corner.... (i think i should dedicate the last sentence to myself...).. wish me luck peeps..
u know u love me... xoxo... M... ;)
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
i've been tagged!!!
Name Tag : Mazlina Mahali
Tagged by: Nadia Jalaludin (Miss N)
The Rules :
1. Each blogger must post these rules first.
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged, and to read your blog.
Miss N, i love being tagged also... weehee... ade chance update blog walaupun tengah busy sesangat ni... hahahaha... 8 facts about me... hope u like it...
I love addin more than adriana... hihihihi, jahat sungguh M... sungguh berat sebelah... no, bukan sebab addin fair than adriana, it's because he is the first anak sedara... that's why ma...
I will be getting married this coming december; insyaAllah, with the person i love the most... muhammad umar abdul razak...
mase M kecik2 mak kate M suke makan and telan getah... bukan chewing gum ek... getah gelang yang warna coklat tu... mak kate ntah berapa banyak lah M telan menda tu... hihihihi
mase kat sekolah dulu M sangat gelap sampai budak2 lelaki panggil M keling and pasha, niza, shariman sume panggil M Letchumy Naidu (mase form 3)... sedih tau... sampai birthday card pun dorang tulis "especially dedicated to Letchumy Naidu"... ntah ape2... lepas SPM, M start pakai product de wajah, hehehe, pastu terus jadi putih... skang dah gelap balik sebab sunburn haritu tak hilang2 lagi... hish... nak kawin dah ni.... come on M, mari putihkan kulit dan kuruskan badan...!!!
mase kecik2 dulu M selalu curi duit kat wallet abah... tapi abah tak pernah marah... hahahahaha...
M dah miss 2 important wedding while i'm studying here... ateh's wedding and anis' wedding... sangat sedih sebab dorang 2 memang best friend M mase diploma kat melaka...
i am a perfectionist in my work... i do not like to do cincai2 work... so, i always do the best for all my assignments even though it was a last minute preparation, M rela tak tido daripada buat keja janji siap...
at my house they called me by the name of 'TITIT.' Actually, mase M kecik2 puas orang panggil M dengan nama Mazlina tapi M buat tak endah jek... then one day abah came back from work at kluang and pressed the hon of his car. i was 1++ then, i ran towards the car and started to laugh a lot... the hon sound was like 'teet teet'.. hehehe, that's where i got my pet name...
Ok, now the fun part... people that i want to tag:
1. Ayang
2. Ikmal
3. Feisal
4. Asril
5. Hafiza
6. Rinanda
7. azlan roni
8. boleh tak nak tag Miss N balik... hehehehe, xde orang nak tag dah lah... come on Miss N, u can do it...
Monday, May 5, 2008
my birthday is tomorrow. but my friends here in brisbane had celebrated it yesterday... yeah, this is what u will get if ur birthday is in the weekdays... hehehehe... never mind, i'm really surprised and touched by their effort to celebrate my birthday even though it is in advance.
the story began when i received a text from N. she said; 'M, malam ni kite takyah masak. nabil ngan ina ajak makan umah dorang, weehee..' and with innocent happiness, i replied 'yay.. bestnye.. suke betul ade orang nak masakkan..' i had my intensive class for my international dispute settlement from 9 to 5 yesterday. so, it is wonderful if u don't have to think about cooking when someone willingly want to cook for u... hehehehe.. then suddenly andy asked me whether i want to follow him and half of the class to south bank to watch buddha festival. i was thinking it would be fun if i join the class, but since i had made a promise to N to go with her to the 'dinner thing' so i just replied to andy that i have dinner with my malaysian friend. there's a bit of frustration in his face, don't know why.. hehehe... lain kali lah ye andy...
i reached home at 5.30 and performed my maghrib. N was not home; probably at lab. then about 6++, she came back home and made a fruit trifle. she said to me that she had promised to ina and nabil to bring the trifle. i did not suspect anything because it was not my birthday yesterday. plus N said that ina and nabil dah lama tak buat makan2, and nisa and rain pun x pernah datang umah dorang lagi... hehehehe... so, without any suspicion, i believe it. N said that the dinner will start at 7. after isya' i started to dress, but really, because of so tired i did not put any make up. and i still wear the same blouse. it's already 7 and i waited for N to come out from her room until 7.15 and i felt asleep for a moment. hehehehe, lapar punye pasal nih.. (i did not bring my lunch yesterday; i had oreo stick and picnic choc for my lunch...)
then we walked to ina and nabil's house, which is like 3 minutes walk plus the 'naik bukit' action... hehehehe.. then, when they openned the door, SURPRISE!!! gile terkejut beruk jugak lah... HAPPY BIRTDAY MAZLINA... they sang a birthday song for me.. wah, i'm so surprised because i don't really expect the party plus it is not my birthday yet.. hehehe, i blew the candles... then they said that they have to celebrate it yesterday because everyone is busy on this coming tuesday... so, i had my birthday celebration on 4th may.. it was so fun... it was so touched and really it was so surprised... (tapi xdelah sampai nangis macam orang tu kan...). i was told that the masterminds were non other than miss H and miss N... thank u cupid H and cupid N...
that nite almost all the food were pastas... except itot and H jek yg masak mee hoon goreng.. sume masak sedap... berbagai2 jenis pasta M rase semalam... and the birthday chocolate cake was so good and tempting... i ate 2 slices of it.. (thanks to nisa, shida and rain yang pi beli cake kat indooroo...) N's trifle was so good too sampai rain pun tanye recipe die... hahaha, tanyelah N, tanye M buat ape.. below are the pictures of the food and the cake...
ok peeps... thank u for the birthday celebration... thanks to all who came; N, H, Itot a.k.a I (even though die x kasik panggi die I), ina, nabil, little, nisa, rain, Z, shu, kak fida, kak faza, kak yan, jem, L, donna and alia... thanks everybody... love u so much... muahs... till next time... u know u love me... xoxo... M... ;)