yuhuuu... lagi dua hari habis tempoh berpantang.............
lepas ni boleh la berjalan2 keluar rumah tanpa rasa bersalah..........
dah boleh la makan makanan yang tak dapat makan masa berpantang.......
but, have to maintain weight.... kalau tak doktor marah, ayang pun lari.... hahahahaha
oh lupa... hari ni takda mood nak makan........... sebab nak muntah marking assignment student!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
pengalaman melahirkan permata hatiku
tak lalu nak makan sebab teringin nak makan beriyani kenduri umah mak long
the next morning dr chew check lagi pintu rahim, baru bukak 3cm, dia decide untuk pecahkn waterbag and masukkan air so that pintu rahim boleh terbukak cepat.. after 2 long hours, pintu rahim terbukak dalam 4.5cm je. sakit yang amat allah je yang tahu... but i'm lucky ayang was there when i really need him... dia yang byk bagi encouragement and hope.. masa tu aku hanya mampu berselawat dengan harapan cepatla bersalin...
holding hands together
masuk je ot, diorang bius aku kat tulang belakang. aku dapat rasa diorang belah perut tapi tak sakit. aku muntah2 lepas tu.. doktor keluarkan something dari perut pun aku dapat rasa, lepas tu tau2 je dah dengar suara baby nangis.. masa dengar suara baby nangis, aku pun nangis... 5 minit lepas tu, ada nurse ni bawak baby tu kat aku and suruh aku cium ubun2 baby and bisik kat telinga dia.. aku tak tau nak bisik apa cuma cakap.. "adam jadi anak yang baik ye.." masa tu kesan bius dah terasa... aku dah menggigil2 and asyik muntah aje....
aku dapat rasa doktor macam tengah geledah2 perut aku, mesti dia keluarkan tali pusat dan uri... lepas tu aku dapat rasa diorang lekatkan balik perut aku, tapi tak rasa sakit langsung. lebih kurang 3.30 aku keluar dari ot dalam keadaan menggigil2 dan muntah2.
muhammad adam naufal's first picture
keluar je dari ot, ayang, addin and nana dah sambut aku... lepas tu mak dah ada kat katil tunggu aku. aku nampak mak nangis and mak cakap muka baby sebijik muka aku... rambut lebat, mulut kecik, hidung kembang2 sikit... ada la feature2 mamak2 sikit. aku pun nangis dengan mak, cuma aku tak sure aku nangis sebab dah selamat lahirkan baby or sebab terlalu sejuk and menggigil2.
doktor mintak semua sedara-mara jangan ganggu aku sebab aku perlukan tido 8 jam lepas operation. malam tu yang aku ingat datang melawat: mak and abah melaka with amir, shida and nurul, maklong, sis and family, kakadin and family and mahathir and family... tapi aku tak dapat berbual sangat sebab terlalu letih dan mengantuk.. nurse dah pasang salur urine so that aku tak payah pergi toilet... aku tido sampai la pukul 9 pagi. itupun sebab ada nurse kejut nak bersihkan badan aku dan bukak salur urine.
mak long and family.. masa ni aku dah lalok semacam
mak's first grandson
lepas bukak salur urine, aku kena angkat untuk turun katil and mula berjalan. tapi allah je tahu sakit macam mana.. mula2 nak bangun tu aku sampai nangis. ayang takda masa tu sebab dia balik rumah untuk mandi... nurse yang papah aku pegi toilet and tukarkan pad semua.. masa tu dah takde perasaan malu langsung sebab sakit yang amat. lepas tukar pad, nurse tolong papah jalan2 so that aku tak rasa sakit2 sangat. doktor datang check and bagitau aku dah boleh balik hari tu jugak.
ayang sampai lebih kurang pukul 11.30 pagi, aku dah bersiap nak balik. nurse2 kat situ yang tolong kemas2 barang. lepas ayang bayar bil,mak and abah pun sampai untuk jemput aku.. kitorang pun bergerak lah balik rumah. bila sampai rumah, aku memang sangat lemah dan ayang suruh aku berehat je... sakit operation rasa sampai lebih kurang 5 hari barulah aku rasa betul2 sihat sikit.
ok peeps, have to go.. adam dah mula merengek2.. below is adam's picture immediately after delivery... will update later ok..
u know u love me... xoxo
Monday, September 14, 2009
what? 7 days to go...???
ish2.. takutnya... 7 hari lagi je nak bersalin????? last 2 weeks ada jugak rasa2 contractions, tapi bila dah balik batu pahat ni, makan macam2 dah rasa tak sakit2 pun.....
hopefully everything will go normally..............
Thursday, September 3, 2009
takut?? excited??
i'm in my 37th week of my pregnancy.. doktor cakap dah full term, so anytime from now i can deliver my baby... plan to take leave next week, end of next week actually.. the lecturer who will replace me pun dah report duty last tuesday.. hopefully everything will go as planned... but still, i'm not yet ready if the baby decides to leave "hotel mama" now.. so, hopefully my baby belum nak check out lagi, tunggu dah sampai bp baru check out ye baby mama sayang ni...
i already experienced mild contractions.. tu nak jalan pegi kelas pun dah slow je, but mak and ramai lagi suruh jalan kaki jugak banyak2 so that nak bersalin senang... ikutkan je lah... this week mood mengajar tu dah hilang, yang ada cuma mood nak cuti, mood nak hybernate and mood for motherhood... but it will happen only end of next week when i'm off to bp...
baby already take his position (head's down).. so, sekarang tengah berdoa banyak2 baby tak pusing2 lagi.. puasa pun belum buang lagi; alhamdulillah Allah memberi kesihatan yang baik dan tenaga yang cukup untuk berpuasa, tapi Dia juga Maha Mengetahui betapa laparnya hambaNya ini tatkala jam menjangkau pukul 5-6 petang...
i spent my merdeka holiday at bp.. sebab ada checkup kat putra hospital.. next checkup will be on 12 september.. was so happy dapat buka and sahur with my family.. dapat makan banyak makanan sedap2.. we all also celebrate abah's birthday.. all the family were there, mak long and kak im's family pun ada.. it was fun, but because it is ramadhan, i was too tired to gossip2 and berbual2 lama with mak long and mak.. too tired that night.. owh yea, lupa, sempat jugak belajar buat onde2 gula melaka dengan mak... so, lepas ni kalau agak2 teringin nak makan onde2 boleh dah buat sendiri.. hehehe...
inter part mooting competition will take place this weekend.. kesian diorang, because banner interpart kena bakar.. yang kena bakar part dacing je pulak tu, maybe ada orang tak gemar gambar dacing kat banner tu, tapi xpelah, in a way it was a good publicity.. hehe.. tapi still membazir je keluar duit mahal2 lepas tu ada pulak orang dengki...
ayang sekarang ni dah balik awal selalu sebab bulan puasa, tak pernah lagi tak buka puasa takde ayang.. tapi start 13 september nanti, ayang dah kena buka puasa sorang2, sian dia.. nanti bukan dia yang nangis kena buka puasa sorang2, aku yang nangis sebab terpaksa tinggalkan dia buka puasa sorang2, alahai sedihnya...
sekarang ni perasaan excited plus takut dah bercampur aduk, excited because i will welcome my baby to the world anytime now and takut for the pain during delivery of course... dah lah aku memang jenis tak tahan sakit.. sakit sikit pun dah nangis, macam mana lah nak tahan sakit melahirkan anak.. uish.. down deep my heart, i'm hoping that i will be one who doesn't feel a lot of pain during delivery but reality always wake me up.. memang aku akan tempuhi sakit nak beranak tu bila2 masa from now...
i always hope that ayang will be by my side during the delivery, takut2 dia tak sempat balik, baby dah lahir je, mesti i will be alone dalam labor room.. selalu cakap kat baby, kalau nak lahir, tunggu abah dia ada dulu.. hehehehe.. hope it works..
ok peeps.. have other things to settle.. nanti mungkin kat bp, i will update more...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
lawasia, ante-natal class and ramadhan....
it's 6.45 pm, at my office now.. just finished classes with the accounting student for company law.. am too exhauted because had to give two lectures in a row...
ayang just texted, he'll be home late tonight; again..! never mind la, normal kan for those working at zaid ibarahim... i decided to stay at the office for a while to arrange my notes and browsing the net.. sat lagi boleh beli nasi goreng daging merah, tapau bawak balik rumah...
it's been a while since i last updated the blog, too many works to do laaa... a bit relieved because lawasia mooting had finished; but frankly, i was not involved in the training, cuma datang sekali-sekala.. i supposed because i already did my task on the working paper and applying for the budget and other logistic things... hehe
talking about the lawasia mooting, i am proud for the teams (all four of them); especially the junior teams who did very well despite the fact that it were their first time moot! uitm ended up 3rd, 4th and 5th place... even though we are not the first or second, i'm proud because out of 5 teams eligible for final round, 3 teams were from uitm.. congratulations again to the team... and special thanks to dr.irwin who without fail trained the team with all his heart and soul... i cannot imagine mooting club without dr.irwin... this credit should also be given to ummi who helped a lot too, she is the future face of the moot club i supposed...
last week also, i went to demc ante natal class held at concorde hotel, shah alam.. ayang and I went there to get a big picture of what is going to happen at labour room and to gain knowledge about delivery and so on... it is a good class and i recommend every first time mom-to-be to attend the class, it is good for you to know especially on what to expect during pregnancy and delivery and breastfeeding... they also taught on breathing techniques and some interesting exercise that pregnant mom should do...
ok la, enough for now... opps, forget to wish you all selamat berpuasa... tahun ni saya berpuasa dengan suami tercinta.. and talking about puasa, my DD would be just approximately a month from now.. wish me luch peeps...
saya juga mintak ampun dan maaf kepada semua jika saya ada membuat sebarang kesilapan atau kesalahan.. bermaaf-mafan sebelum puasa ni afdhal orang kata agar puasa dan amalan baik kita di bulan mulia akan diterima oleh Allah.. amin...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
it's sunday, 11.43pm and suddenly i'm craving for donut! baru je lepas nangis kat ayang mintak dia carikkan donut... tapi aku puntak tau mana dia nak carik donut malam2 ni... tapi aku sangat2 teringin nak donut!!
kenapalah big apple ke, J.Co ke or krispy kreme or at least dunkin donut tak bukak 24 jam! wish they are considering to open any outlets for 24 hours so that a 7-and-a-half-months pregnant mother like me who is eventually craving for donut can satisfies her crazy craving mood!
esok start kelas balik, agak boring jugak la! hahaha.........
Thursday, July 30, 2009
good luck to the kiddies...
uitm mid semester holiday is about to over, and can't believe that time goes by so fast... i'm in my 32-33 weeks now and it is about 6-7 weeks more for the D date.. i'm actually nervous but for the time being, i have to ignore the feelings first and focus on finishing the syllabus as many as i can... i planned to finish my slides during this break, but plan is just plan and my wish do not come true.
now, the uitm mooting team for lawasia is busy training for the competition which will be held next weekend... so far, all the administrative work (hotel booking etc) have finished. ummi and dr.irwin is busy with the practice. i help sometimes but both of them spent a lot of time with the kiddies, preparing them for the battle.. hehe... i cannot come at night because ayang always come back home late, and i'm afraid to drive alone especially during this crucial period of time
thanks to mr.rajesh as well because he also helps these two-three days. dr.irwin thinks that the moot club should appoint him as one of the advisors, so that he can help. and i also think that he should be appointed, i'll talk with dr.bahrin next week for his appointment.
so, just want to wish the best of luck to the mooting teams, insyaAllah, we'll bring back the national title and represents malaysia for international round...
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
today's update....
semalam ayang bawak dinner kat tony roma's... my baby and me had a lot.. (kickin' shrimp, chicken salad and chocolate avalanche) hahaha, makan macam dah setahun tak makan... ayang macam biasela, mesti order lamb chop well done.. lepas makan, we all terus balik, tapi on the way to car, i felt a bit of contraction, but it lasts within 10 seconds je, lepas tu takdela lagi...
and disebabkan makan ice cream kat tony roma's tu, my flu belum baik2 lagi, malam masa nak tido, ayang marah sebab makan ice cream.. hahaha, padan muka saya... anyway, semalam memang tak dpt tido langsung, sebab my throat sakit sangat2, sekejap2 terjaga and tengok ayang tido best je... takpela, kesian dia penat, lagipun dia dah belanja makan besar.. hikhik...
actually, i have class at 2pm, but now tiba2 nak update blog sebab sekejap lagi tutorial je, soalan tutorial pun dah ready... i'm thinking of finishing my slides while the students are doing their exercises, baru sem ni nak buat slide for business law because past semsters, i only based my lecture with my notes that i printed for my students, but this time around, i think i'm going to give lecture by showing them power point slides, already finished 3 lectures and i found that it works!
ok peeps.. only that to update, this evening nak pegi wash and blow my hair and ahead to selangor food fest at sacc.. anyone nak join?
Monday, July 13, 2009
mood swing.. lalala..
sejak akhir2 ni, aku sangat sensitif... selalu inginkan perhatian, inginkan layanan istimewa dan kalau boleh, inginkan segala2 nya untuk aku... everything is about me and just me... aku rasa aku mesti dilayan macam puteri raja dan dihargai setiap masa...
tapi tak semua orang boleh layan aku... semua ada tanggungjawab masing2...
tanggungjawab kerja aku pun kena dibereskan... koordinator program request kalau boleh aku habiskan silibus sebelum aku maternity leave.. aduis, nasib baik jugak jadual dan beban tugas semester ni tidak terlalu berat, alhamdulillah...
sekarang ni aku tengah selsema dan batuk tahap tak best punye, badan pun macam lemah, hari ni aku mc sebab nak berehat je kat rumah... ye, aktiviti hari ini ialah tidur dan tidur selepas makan ubat batuk yang kuat... aku cume risau kalau2 sakit ni akan effect baby, mintak2 la my baby strong, bukan macam mama die...
sekarang dah pkl 8.30 malam and ayang masih lagi belum balik, maybe tengah jem kat highway, ayang sekarang pun selalu balik lambat, banyak sangat keja, die selalu mengadu tapi kadang2 aku bagi support, kadang2 aku marah die balik lambat.. ntahlah, mood aku ni swing2, sometimes i can be a perfect wife yang memahami tuntutan kerja suami ku tapi kadang2 aku terlalu mementingkan diri sendiri dan menganggap yang die sengaja balik lambat sebab dah tak nak tengok aku yang semakin hari semakin membesar dengan jaya nya.. hahaha..
inilah yang aku boleh katakan bahawa mood pregnant woman ni selalu berubah2.. sekejap2 baik, bila angin datang semua orang aku nak marah... tapi yang selalu menjadi mangsa kemarahan aku ialah ayang tercinta.. kesian dia, betul cakap dia, nasib baik dia mempunyai tahap kesabaran yang tinggi, dengan kerja lagi, dengan melayan kerenah aku lagi...
ya Allah, aku berharap agar Engkau bahagiakan lah rumahtangga aku ini dan jauhkan sebarang malapetaka dan bencana menimpa keluarga yang baru kami bina ini... semoga dengan kedatangan ahli baru nanti, aku akan lebih ceria dan lebih tabah menempuh kehidupan... amin...
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
it is 12.19am, 6 mei 2009... it's my birthday today... i turn 27 today.. syukur alhamdulillah, i'm a year older now... semoga Allah memanjangkan umur saya, so that i can live to see my children grow up, to love ayang more and more each day, to take care of my parents and of course to serve my beloved students.. hihi..
i love to live with the facts that i'm celebrating my birthday as a wife to the most dearie person in my life and as a mother-to be too...
ayang brought me to a nice dinner just now...
mak and abah also just called... wishing me my birthday...
ayep also called...i'm glad they still remember my birthday... and maybe that's because i never forgot theirs as well..
we'll spend this weekend at mahathir's house, to celebrate my birthday, addin and nana's birthday, mother's day and also sis and abang haridan's anniversary..
we'll be having so much fun and laughter this weekend...
Monday, April 27, 2009
it's a boy...
the baby that i'm pregnant with is a boy.. and this was confirmed last saturday by our doctor. we saw the tiny and little penis pointed out by the doctor during the scan.. i'm so happy, happy and happy... it's my wish come true.. so ayang, takleh lah nak manje2 kan baby sangat sebab baby boy tak bole manje2, kena strong, kan abah?? hehe..
we bought this one car seat last week, it costs us RM307.. wargh, tensionnya sebab macam kena tipu dengan amoi salesgirl tu.. macam kena pukau masa beli that car seat sebab amoi tu cakap RM207, tapi bila bayar kat kaunter, RM307.. tapi kitorang bayar je tanpa banyak soal.. hahaha,
lepas tu kan, we all punye famous amos siap tertinggal kat mane2 ntah! sedih mommy nak makan tak dapat, tapi hari sabtu tu sebelum pegi party adela, ayang singgah beli kat ikano.. sayang ayang sebab dia tgk mommy nangis2 teringin nak makan biskut famous amos! ntah ape2 la..
Friday, April 10, 2009
weheee... finish up this semester!
I’m relieved that I finished my entire syllabus today. I will do an extra class for revision for my Insurance Law and Law of Association tomorrow and next tuesday. Next week will be a more relaxing week for me except that i have to live with the fact that I need to mark several students’ assessment. I want to get enough rest next week so that when the exam starts, I can have full attention to finish up my writing on this one article. Hopefully, I can publish the article before I give birth to my child. InsyaAllah.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
tired of everything...
i'm not feeling well lately.. buat kerja sikit pun dah penat, ayang said maybe it's one of the symptoms of pregnancy.. but my strenght has changed.. the strong part of me has dissapeared.. yesterday, i called sis and she said that i tercungap2 cakap dengan dia... and when i was about to mark the rest of the opinion writing scripts, jantung macam berdebar2 and macam sesak nafas. makan pun macam takde selera, semua benda makan tak habis.. tidur pun macam tak nyenyak..
rumah tu tak payah nak cakap lah macam mana.. bersepah tak ingat nye.. baju pun dah 3 bakul tak berlipat.. dapur pun dah almost 2 weeks tak bermop and tak berasap... i'm too tired to cook and do any house work.. ya allah, tolonglah kurangkan dugaan ini..
please help me, i want the strong me, who can stay at the office and finish up work... there are too many student assessment that need my utmost attention.. i'll be going back to batu pahat this evening, i'm actually afraid to travel because the last time when we went back to malacca i suffered from bleeding.. hope this time around it will be fine...
i'm hoping that things get to normal back because i'm so missing my old me...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
i'm going back to batu pahat this weekend... yey!!
we'll celebrate mak and abah's anniversary and kak jun's birthday there...
i've ordered 25 cute cupcakes and fun is just around the weekend..
the sad part is that i've to finish marking all the student's tests and assignments at batu pahat, yeah right, like i will ever touch it!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
i am in my second trimester
i'm officially in my second trimester of pregnancy... i'm lucky the baby is so strong even though i'm not... last wednesday, ayang and me went for the monthly check up.. the baby's features is complete now.. he or she is now 5 inches long.
i asked the doctor about the baby's gender, he laughed and said that it's too early to know. but i read in the book that ayang bought for me, we can know the baby's gender as early as 12 weeks, and i'm already in my 14th week now..! maybe it's because of the the machine, it's not as modern as we can find it in SJMC or Kelana Jaya MC. hahaha, we do our routine check up at this one klinik bersalin and pakar sakit puan at kampung subang, so, what do you expect, mazlina! hehe
never mind, the doctor said that we can know the gender in our next check up which will be on 25th april.. argh lambatnya mama nak tau baby girl ke boy... but i personally like if the baby is boy... but ayang prefer the baby to be girl.. we already have plans with the names, so, if it's a boy or a girl, then takdelah kelam-kabut nak cari nama.. hehe... i want to upload the photo of our baby, but mana ntah ayang letak, semalam dia amik from my handbag cakap nak scan... never mind, nanti dia dah scan, boleh la i upload the photo..
we haven't buy anything yet for the baby except of course the 'anmum' for the mama.. lucky that i'm not allergic of milk and i love milk so much... macam manala kalau pregnant tapi tak minum susu, mesti lembik je badan... we plan to buy all the baby stuff after we are sure about the baby's gender sebab kalau boy tak boleh lah nak beli baju pink kan? hehehe.. but mak said sometimes the doctor is so sure that the baby is boy, but keluar2 je girl pulak... hish, camne ni... takpelah, mak kata rezeki, boy ke girl dua2 pun anak jugak... hehe...
oklah.. i want to continue with my insurance law notes yang tinggal beberapa topic je tu.. tomorrow i will have 4 hours replacement class because i miss several classes with my insurance law student. so, hopefully i'll finish the syllabus by end of next week so that they have more time to study. kesian my students, dapat lecturer yang tengah preggy, asik nak mengamuk je dalam kelas... hahaha...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
update on the last weekend's activity
last weekend was the best weekend ever because mak and abah were at kuala lumpur.. they arrived on saturday evening and we had dinner at mahathir's house. on sunday, we went to my cousin's kenduri aqiqah at bandar saujana putra. the foods were delicious, but we were wondering why there was no mutton served.. kata kenduri aqiqah.. hish, kempunan nak makan daging kambing ni... hahaha
after the kenduri, we went to visit abah's sister at puchong. recently, she had an operation due to complications of appendics. at her house, my other aunty fried keropok lekor and we had terengganu's keropok lekor at puchong.. hihi.. my mom decided to go to sungai buloh after that to visit mak tuk. we arrived at sungai buloh around 4.30 p.m and mak tuk made special jemput2 pisang for evening tea. we stayed there until dinner and we had rendang and papadum + plain rice for dinner.
that night, mak and abah slept at my house. mak puji cakap rumah bersih, tapi aku balas cakap "semua umar yang kemas mak, dia rajin sangat.." tapi memang ayang yang kemas pun. aku ni memerintah je kerja, kesian ayang... whenever i want to clean the house, he will scold me and ask me to rest. he does not want anything to happen to me and our baby. this is all because of the complications i suffered lately.
i had chances to chat with mak, we discussed about the due date of my pregnancy which will be on the first hari raya. mak said that she will be tired to take care of me and she thinks it would be a good idea to hire someone to take care of me and the baby during my confinement. mak had already asked kak milah to do it and and she asked for Rm700 for 1 month. it's quite expensive for me, but taking into consideration that it will be during the raya's month, mak said it is reasonable. yelah.. kenalah berjimat-cermat from now on.
right now, i'm busy finishing all the syllabus especially for my insurance law and business law classes. only 3 weeks left before the study week begin and my student will sit for their final exam on 20th april. i really hope that i will not suffer any symptoms for this 3 weeks because i had enough and i really want all the works to be settled before the exam. i'm praying for my health and hope everything will go as i plan it to be.. insyaAllah.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
looking forward for tomorrow...
hari isnin lepas, aku call mak and tanye whether mak nak datang ke tak..? aku sebenarnya rindu sangat kat mak and abah... tapi nak balik batu pahat tu susah sikit sebab aku baru lepas bleeding and doktor suruh banyakkan rehat and that means no travelling...
so, the best way to lepaskan my rindu is to pujuk mak and abah datang sini.. hehe (saya memang anak yang bijak..) tapi mak cakap ada banyak wedding kat batu pahat and semua wedding tu kena attend sebab masa aku kawin tu, diorang datang... alamak, terkubur lagi lah niat aku untuk melepaskan kerinduan ini...
tapi semalam abah call rumah at about 8.30pm. dia kata, mak and dia nak datang hari jumaat malam.. yey!! bestnya... sayang abah and mak.. agaknya diorang ambik masa berhari2 untuk fikir sama ada nak spend time dengan we all suma ke tak.. hahaha...
yey.. looking forward for tomorrow, maybe abah and mak akan tido umah mahathir dulu hari jumaat malam, pastu baru tido umah aku hari sabtu malam... hahaha, sekarang ni gaduh pulak ngan mahathir... masing2 nak suruh abah and mak tido umah... kihkih.. takpe2, nanti anak aku dah lahir, hilanglah saham addin ngan adriana sebab en. mahali ngan pn. rukiah bakal dapat cucu baru yang sure comel macam mak dia jugaklah.. (perasan jap)..
tak sabar nya nak spend time wisely weekend ni... love u abah and mak...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
weekend at denai alam...
hari ni semua kerja terbengkalai seperti minggu2 yang lepas... cita2 untuk menyiapkan semua kerja hanya tinggal cita2 kerana hari ini adalah ahad. selalunya ahad pegi cheras api minggu ni, aku spend weekend kat rumah aku, kat denai alam...
ahad memang sepatutnya hari untuk bersenang lenang di rumah, selepas sarapan semangkuk koko krunch, aku mengemas rumah sedikit2 walaupun doktor melarang aku membuat kerja berat2, tapi sempat aku vacuum rumah tadi...
ayang keluar dengan muiz and batod, pergi kenduri kawin khai.. aku tak ikut sebab konon2 banyak keja yang ingin dibereskan, last sekali, lepas je diorang pergi, aku boleh pulak tertidur kat couch depan tv.. hahaha, betul cakap ayang, aku memang takkan buat kerja aku..
sebenarnya lepas vacuum tu, aku terasa sakit2 perut, jadi aku baring kan diri kat couch, lepas tu aku sedar2 dah nak pukul 4.. hahaha, memang menarik aku spend time weekend ni... malam ni aku kena pulun siapkan lecture notes untuk esok... ayang pun dah janji nak tolong taip kan notes contract law aku.. nasib baik ada ayang ku yang tercinta... hehehe...
ok, nak start buat notes ni.. chaiyo2 mazlina...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
perlukah aku merasa begini?
sedih, pilu, kecewa, sakit hati, pening, meluat, serabut...
semua perasaan negatif tengah bersarang dalam kepala aku sekarang.
yang mampu aku buat untuk mengurangkan perasaan2 di atas adalah dengan menulis blog ini.
walaupun aku rasa tak perlulah aku bercerita siapa atau apa yang telah menyebabkan aku merasa perasaan2 tersebut di atas.
yang penting aku harap perasaan tu semua dapat hilang dengan cepat sebelum sesuatu yang buruk terjadi.
aku baru sahaja menghadapi sedikit komplikasi pada kandungan ku pada hari selasa lepas.
dan aku juga berharap perasaan2 di atas tidak akan menganggu kesihatan aku dan kandunganku.
i need support, mak datanglah, titit rindu dekat mak.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
i am a wife and a mother-to-be
it has been a very long time since i wrote for the last post... i want to update my blog, but really time restraints me.
i was actually busy with the wedding preparation, with the wedding itself and life as a wife and a mother-to-be... yes, i am a mother-to-be... and i like that fact very much..
actually, i was stunt to look at the pregnancy test result i did on my own sometime 4 weeks after my wedding, the test result was positive and i cried, not because i'm happy but i wonder whether me and ayang are ready to be mom and dad.. maybe physically we are ready, but how about mentally and financially? i was a bit worry during the first 2 months of my pregnancy thinking about this.
when we went back to batu pahat during thaipusam holiday, i had a chat with mak and told her that i'm quite worry about the baby, i'm afraid that he or she will not get enough from me and ayang. but mak told me that every child comes with a luck.. bak kata orang tua2, anak tu rezeki, jangan ditolak rezeki dan Allah sudah tetapkan semua perkahwinan dan anak akan ada rezeki sendiri, cuma perlu bersabar dan taqwa kepada-Nya. from that moment, i hold on to her words..
sometimes, i look at ayang's face and saw a bit of worries, i guess he did think the same as me.. when we went to bed, i always look at him and think how will i survive if anything happens to him.. i cannot imagine life without him now, he's everything to me.. Ya Allah, panjangkan lah umur suamiku, murahkanlah rezekinya, peliharalah kesihatannya dan jadikalah dia suami yang baik dan soleh yang boleh memimpin aku ke jalan yang benar.. amin.
yes, now i know the meaning of being a wife who really treasures the husband. hope our marriage will last long till death do us apart.