Friday, October 17, 2008

my credit card application...

actually, i'm afraid to have a credit card because only God knows what i will do when it is in my hand.. but i really need it now because... (feel that it's not important to state it here, only ayang knows and ayang, please don't tell anyone).

yeah, maybe Allah is testing me because it was so hard for me to receive a news from the bank saying that my credit card application is approved. i applied for it on 24th september which is before hari raya and next week it will be a month. i've contacted the credit card approval department and they said they need to confirm my office phone number.

the problem is that; i'm not always in my office because i need to go to classes and i'd explained this to them and they said that unless and until they can contacted me at my office number, they will not approve my application. but today i received a letter stating that the bank will close my application within 14 days if they do not hear anything from me. what the F###!!!

that bank really make my day worst today (after being told that my wedding invitation card that i was supposed to pick it up on wednesday still on printing). what the hell with all this malays anyway? (both the people i.e the bank officer and the wedding card sales assistant; i dealt with are malays). ha, mulalah nak kaitkan with malays pulak...

i really need to believe that Allah disallowed me to use a credit card so that i will not be angry... but please God, i need to use it now........... can someone who knows 'orang dalam' at cimb and ask them to approve my application? previously i can just ask abah to do it but now abah had retired.. what to do, berserah je lah........

Thursday, October 16, 2008

need a help... anyone??

don't know what to write... but still want to write... uish, bahaya ni.. kang ada yang melalut2 pulak... actually, i'm now in my office, alone marking the student's test and already feeling bored.. thinking of hiring part 5 or 6 student to mark the test of part 1 student.. lambat betul nk habis, pastu nak marking assignment pulak, 2 topic pulak tu... 200 scripts pulak tu.. hish menyesal suruh dorang buat individual assignment.. kalau tau, baik buat in group je... inilah kesilapan pertama sebagai pensyarah ni.. never mind, i should learn from mistake, so next semester i will not give too much assessment because at the end i'm the one who suffers the consequences.... so, anyone interested to mark my student's assignments and tests, please do come and see me at ... (hish, macam real pulak)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


rasenya sudah sangat terlewat untuk post ini sebab hari ini sudah hari raya yang ke 8... hehehe, saya sangat bz untuk mengupdate blog sebenarnya... ni assignment and test student melambak2 tak mark lagi... hish...

oklah, saya ingin mengucapkan selamat hari raya dan maaf zahir batin kepada sesiapa yang mengenali saya, especially to my family, ayang and my friends... teringat mase berhari raya kat brisbane tahun lepas... masak rendang ngan aza sampai pkl 3 pagi... hehehe, best pulak bile teringat raya kat sana... tp xpe, raya tahun ni pun best jugak sebab takdelah mak kena kemas rumah sorang2...

di kesempatan ini juga saye ingin mengucapkan tahniah kepada puan jamilah yang kini telah bergelar isteri... congratz jem, jeles tengok gambar2 nia, effa and itot kat blog koo-too... maz tak dapat nak pegi sebab nia ajak pun last minute, lagipun memang raya ke tiga tu family belah umar datang nak berbincang ape yang patut untuk persediaan perkahwinan bulan 12 ni... xpe, maz doakan jem bahagia hingga ke anak cucu dan hingga ke akhir hayat bersama suami tersayang... amin...

lastly, eid mubarak to all... semoga aidilfitri kali ini membawa seribu keberkatan.. amin..