Thursday, September 18, 2008

hari sakit ku...

hari ni saya dapat mc from klinik kat section 2 tu... pinggang saya sakit sangat semalam, so pegi check, doktor cakap tanda2 awal nak kena batu karang, but he advised me to drink a lot of water, atleast 3 liter per day... for two months continuously and he prevented me to take any sweet drinks...mak tolong... camne nak melantak teh tarik ni..????

dapat cuti sakit pun bosan gile dok umah, last2 skali pegi jugak ofis pkl 5 tadi... dapat jugak hilang boring and saje jek pegi lepas pkl 5 sebab sume orang kat faculty dah balik or sibuk nak beli juadah berbuka puasa... hehehe...

tapi yang bestnya ialah, sebelum pegi ofis tadi saya sempat melayan dvd, what happens in vegas... best siot cite tu.. hehehe, rase macam tak sabar pulak nak kawin... err... adakah terlari topic??? takpe2, sape2 yang belum tengok cite tu, pegiler tengok... ade sesiapa nak pinjam dvd ke..???

nway, saya baru lepas melantak pizza dominos ni... sangat kenyang, walaupun sakit, tetap berpuasa dan alhamdulillah tahan sampai petang... dekat bangunan cempaka ni, saya rasa saya jek yang tinggal sesorang ni, tibe2 rasa seram sejuk jek... hehehehe, takpelah, nak kuar kejap lah... kang pukul 8.30 dtg balik... malam ni ade kelas, replacement untuk kelas semalam cuti nuzul quran tu... hehe... esok kena bangun pagi plak, nak accompany student pegi ukm... hish, takpe2, dah jadi pensyarah ni, kenalah berkorban untuk kebaikan student ye tak..???

okies peeps, muahs... xoxo

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

cuti pun pegi ofis.... wargh...

wah baru je post blog teringin nak cuti in the mid week... hari ni permintaan tu telah dikabulkan... hari ni ialah cuti nuzul quran... alhamdulillah, dapat juga saya menikmati tidur yang lama hari ni...

tapi cuti pun saya ke ofis untuk mark test student... kalau mark kat rumah confirm ntah ape2 marks saye bagi kat dorang nanti, so kenalah fokus jugak... ni baru marking 10 scripts pun mcm nak muntah bace jawapan dorang, nasib baik mark test student law, so english dorang terror la sikit daripada my business student..

sambil2 marking boleh plak siap bukak lagu hisndustan kuat2, bukan nak berwirid ke ape ke bulan2 puasa ni, hish teruk betul lah cik mazlina ni... mcm mane nak develop ethical values to student ni.. hehe..

oklah, dah nak 4.30 ni, jap lagi nak kuar nak pegi one utama nak buka puasa dengan my darling ayang kat restoran peranakan, huish asam pedas die gile kaw... tak sabarnye nak berbuka... orang2 kat brissy sure dah kenyang gile skang ni... takpe2 sabar je la ye mazlina, 3 jam je lagi nak buka puasa...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

interview lagik...

i will have two interviews next week, one on monday and one on tuesday... apelah dah lantik jadik pensyarah pun nak kena ade interview2 ni... the thing i hate the most is that i have to cancel my class that morning, sekarang ni nak buat replacement class susah sangat, tambah2 puasa... student semua guna alasan nak sembahyang tarawih if i want to do the class at night.

anyway, the first interview which is on monday is the mock teaching interview, where i have to teach in front of several other lecturers who will pretend to be my students. and of course after that they will ask me several questions on the topic i present.

the second interview is going to be a bit tough where i'm going to be judged by uitm's officer from bahagian perjawatan who will determine whether i'm qualified to be a lecturer here or not.. they will ask about current issues and my opinion on that. i think they will surely raise the issue of whether uitm should be open to non-bumi and non-malay... huish, still searching for the right answer...

mahathir (my brother) told me that the two interviews are just for formality... they will surely take me as the lecturer because they have invested so much money when i did my master's degree at australia. i hope what mahathir told me is true, and i do not have to worry so much on this interviews thing... wish me luck for the interviews peeps....

this evening i have buka puasa date with kak ejay and ija at secret recipe at sogo... its been a long time since i last saw kak ejay and miss her so much... at least i met ija last month... susah betul nak jumpe dengan penolong pengarah insolvensi ni... ok peeps, it's almost 3p.m and i have to go to this ceramah by an ustaz from pusat islam... time to sleep..... hikhikhik... so naughty eh mazlina... till then.... xoxo

Monday, September 8, 2008

matric card???

tadi mase on the way pegi kelas pukul 10, ade sorang student tegur aku...

"awak, baik awak pakai kad matric, pak guard tengah saman student tak pakai kad matric.."

aku pun ye kan jelah... mestilah die tak tau aku ni lecturer... and that shows how young i look...!! (sempat perasan jap ni)

nak dijadikan cerita, aku dengan selamba jalan depan pak guard tu. apa lagi, pak guard tu pun menahan aku dan dengan lagak sombong die pun tanya aku, "mana matric card?"

pastu aku jawablah aku lecturer baru kat sini belum dapat matric card. tapi entah macam mana pak guard tu leh tak percaya, die siap tanya aku balik;

"betul ke ni? dah dapat no staf?" aku jawab dah, pastu die mintak no staf aku, aku pun bagilah. lepas tu die siap leh keluarkan walkie talkie die mintak kawan die check kan kat data base ade tak nama aku... huish, pak guard ni betul2 buat aku naik hangin ni...

then kawan die pun reply nama aku, pak guard tu mintak i.c aku untuk pastikan akulah mazlina mahali. gile lah pak guard tu... aku pun keluarkan i.c aku and die belek2 jugak dekat 10 saat untuk pastikan aku lah yang bernama mazlina mahali tu...

lepas dah puas hati, dia mintak maaf and bagitau aku nampak macam student. lepas tu aku pun reply dengan selamba, "lain kali jangan ingat semua orang pembohong" dan dengan elegan nya aku pun blah...

moral of the story: cepat2lah buat staf card mazlina!!!

holidays... is it a must???

it's 5.45p.m and i'm still at my office... marking business law's test for my business student... suddenly, i realized that i am so tired... so, blogging is the best way to overcome this problem of tiredness.. (actually, sleep or eat are two best thigs that u can do when u r tired, but none of those could be done now..)

i just read tun mahathir's blog and i find it interesting when he wrote about too many holidays in malaysia... i personally like holidays, which mean i have the oppurtunity to rest after 5 days of long hard working... i experienced the hardship of working and i cannot stop staying at the office because there are too many things that are pending and need my utmost attention... and sometimes i wish that there is a holiday in the mid weekdays, somewhere in wednesday or thursday...

sometimes the tense is so high and i barely noticed the time has passed so fast that it was already 6 or 7 pm... but yet i still have so many things to be settled on that day... i think that's why i need a holiday especially a long holiday... i have no real holidays since i came back from australia. every day is full with loads of work and weekend is busy with the wedding preparation. i need a rest of one or two weeks so that i can put things to its normal conditions. but i'm restrained by the fact that i have 13 days of rest day and have to use it totally for hari raya holiday and my wedding leave... hish, this uitm memang tak kasik i rest langsung... never mind, it's going to be a few months before next year and next year i'm entitled to 30 days of annual leave... tak sabarnya...!!!

however, i also realized that too many holidays will make things worst especially when we are developing country... like tun's said, developing country like malaysia cannot afford too many holidays in order to achieve the status of developed country by 2020... if we are slower than the developed country, then we cannot catch their development... therefore, we have to be efficient... yeah2, theoratically i support his proposition but practically and personally, i am of the view that people need rest and how long it is, it does not matter as long as you finish your work on time...

on this point i want to refer to ayang's blog where he posted one article about a workaholic employee who died on his table at the office but no one noticed about it until 5 days later. yeah, why work hard when no one have ever take notice...!!! so, do things moderately! (but i still regard myself as workaholic.... which explain why i am still at the faculty when nobody are still around) argh!!! and correct me if i'm wrong; i think holidays is a must........ how long it is?? i think i would depends on each particular individual to interpret it....

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


selamat berpuasa to all... yeah i know this is a bit late but i have no time at all to update my blog.. cheh, bace blog orang lain ade masa pulak... no, actually i don't know what to write... but this past few days were quite hard to me... yelah, u have to teach during puasa... kering tekak den.... selalu lepas kelas leh je minum air untuk hilangkan rasa kering tekak, but now have to be patient for buka time...

today is the worst, i woke up for sahur. i bought chinese fried rice the night before for sahur, but then it cannot be eat... sedih sangat sebab nasi dah basi... dah lah takde stock makanan kat bilik tu, housemate pulak jenis tak bangun sahur, air mineral pun tak beli, nak jerang air, kettle pulak takde kat rumah tu... last2 mazlina bersahur dengan air paip je pagi tadi... tawakal je lah walaupun tahu air kat selangor ni tak bersih, jangan kena cirit birit sudahle... apalah malangnya nasib saya hari ni... ya.. Allah sentiasa menguji hambaNya yang disayangi...

lepas ni memang kena beli roti je lah and jangan lupe beli air mineral......