Thursday, July 10, 2008

NZ trip part 2: milford sound

hai peeps... rindu gile nak update blog. M baru balik dr sydney and melbourne... abah and mak pun dah ade kat rumah M ni... td masak untuk dorang lauk biase2 jek, tp abah puji sedap... hehehe, sudah boleh kawin abah kate... ok2, M nak sambung cite pasal pegi NZ aritu, lepas je dunedin, kitorang ke te anau tido semalam kat sane... then the next morning (24th june) we all ke milford sound... that morning, on the way to milford sound, we all dapat merasa snow... sume mcm jakun gile2 sebab baru first time nampak snow.. termasuklah saye... cruise kat milford sound tu mcm bosan, tp bile cruise tu dekat dengan waterfall sume cam berebut2 nak kena air.. gile sejuk tp nak jugak pegi dekat2 dengan waterfall tu... tapi milford sound tu memang cantik gile lah... anyway, korang saksikanlah sendiri photo2 we all yang memang sume cun2 lah... (hahahaha, apalah M ni puji diri sendiri.. eh bukan diri sendiri, kami berenam...)

me and donna, waiting for the bus to milford sound

bergaya dengan snow...

milford sound yang sgt cantik...

sgt suke gambar ni...

ok2... nak berbual2 ngan mak and abah ni... pastu nak fikir2 nak packing barang lagi.. aduis, saye mengalami masalah yang sama dengan miss n... tapi miss n punye barang lagi banyak dr saya... saya punya barang sikit je kot... hehehe, tu pun mak dah geleng2 kepala... hahahaha, padan muke saya... ok2... esok update blog lagi.. esok hari bershopping di harbour town... hehe... till then peeps... u know u love me...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

our awesome nz trip... (part 1: dunedin)

the trip was so awesome... joined the trip: jem, nabil, nia, zai, donna and me... we leaved brisbane on the evening of 20th june 2008 but that day was a very tiring day for me... i submitted my research paper at the morning and started packing that morning too.. then jem, zai, nia and me went to immigration dept to get our visa label... rushed back home, i had my 2 hours sleep before leaving the house...

our trip was like a challenge one... there were so many challenges that we had to face... the first one was of course 'the cab problem.' the company suddenly called and told that the cab cannot make it to sent us to brisbane airport... we were like so panic but luckily yase and syed were there to help... jem then forgot to tell donna that their car is approaching the city and donna pun tertinggal lah... so, donna went to the airport by train... nasib baik jugak sempat sampai... when we checked in at the counter, the staff told us that the flight might landed at auckland instead of christchurch.. it was too foggy to land at christchurch airport... but the plane managed to land there with little bit of 'terhentak..'

jem then called ayu and we waited for her for almost 45 minutes... but it was not a long wait because we were very excited taking pictures at the airport and eating the biscuits... so damn lapar that time... lucky there was a restaurant (denny's) that opens 24hours and i had my cajun fish for $18.90.. damn expensive...

new zealand international airport.. almost 1am... but still so fresh..

we arrived at ayu's house about 3am++. then everyone were so freezing and nabil slept besides the heater.. siap ade photo they all candid when nabil slept with her 'pink quilt' but malas nak upload; nanti nabil mad at me...

the next day (21stjune) we had our amazing race kejar bus... sampai ayu pun bawak keta dah over speed limit... lari2 bawak beg yang berat2 so like adventurous.. tercungap2 jugak sume orang sebab freezing satu then bawak beg berat plak tu... but we all mmg lucky sebab bus tu tunggu we all... if not burn lah bus fares and backpackers at dunedin...

we arrived dunedin almost 2pm... then straight to info centre and booked all the activities, transport and accomodations... we ate maggi mee that night but it tasted so delicious because everyone like so kebulur tak ingat... and we all sleep like so penat....

the next day (22nd june), was a relaxing day (eh yeke..?). we all jalan satu dunedin, pegi the most steepest street in the world, then pegi botanic garden, otago uni, then round2 town... so, you guys see it for urself ok... tapi kat steepest street tu saye tak naik, naik suku jek sebab mcm curam gile... tp yang lain sume naik... hahahaha... memang saya sangat pemalas untuk naik bukit2 ni...

in front of the backpackers... gile gaya minah rempit

depan public phone pun jadik...

steepest street in the world...

new zealand's first ranking to shoot a photo... biase jek tgk railway station ni..

centre of dunedin..

we visited the cadbury factory the next day (23rd june)... it was exciting visit because we all had chance to know how they make the taste of cadbury chocolate so delicious... siap curik2 amik tu... hish sungguh tak bermoral kami ni... jem siap rase serba salah gile sebab we all curi2 choc... hahahaha, xpe.. masuk cadbury factory u pun dah kena 16 dollar, so kire halal lah kitorang amik2 coklat tu.. boleh ke cenggitu..?

oklah peeps... M nak siap2 pegi sydney ni... cab nak dtg kejap lagi 4am.. maybe nanti balik from sydney and melbourne baru M update tempat2 lain yang we all visit at nz... really, the trip was so awesome and rase mcm nak honeymoon kat sane jek... tp pegi byk2 kali pun mesti M takkan berani buat bungee... hehehe... ok2... nak siap2 ni jumpa mak and abah.... take care peeps... owh lupe nak bagitau, baru check result td... yeah, i will receive my master of laws this coming 18th july... congrats to me... alhamdulillah and leh ler M bercuti2 tanpa risau pasal result.... till then, u know u love me... xoxo... M